Scalp Dance

One of the outstanding combat pilots of all time was Hans Ulrich Rudel. He logged more than 2,500 combat missions during the Second World War and was the most highly decorated pilot of that war. He sank a Soviet battleship, and he destroyed more than 500 Soviet tanks. He was shot down behind Soviet lines several times and was severely wounded. He finished the war flying with only one leg. When he was down behind enemy lines, surrounded by Red Army troops advancing with submachine guns, his gunner surrendered and then perished in the gulag. But Rudel never surrendered, no matter how hopeless the situation seemed. His motto was: “Only he is lost who gives himself up for lost.” It is a motto that it would be well for those to ponder who believe that the Jews are so powerful that we never can force them to remove their fangs from our necks and then get them off our backs. “Only he is lost who gives himself up for lost.”