Huge Fence Was Erected to Protect Genocide Joe's Speech

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It is worth noting that a huge fence was put up around the Capitol to protect Genocide Joe’s State of the Union event. It looks like the same type of thing they did for all the J6 stuff.

NEW – Biden is putting up a fence around the U.S. Capitol to protect himself during his State of the Union address

— (@disclosetv) March 7, 2024

I forgot to mention this in my previous article dissecting the freakish circus that was the State of the Union. In case you didn’t see the speech, all Joe did was lie and mumble incoherently. He also looked like he was shot up on drugs to get him through the speech.

I do think this is an important point though. It shows how unpopular and hated Joe and all these other political people are. If they were actually doing what’s right and doing things for the American people, they would have not need to deploy troops, setup fences etc..

It’s also really quite rich that they setup a fencing like this to protect themselves after spending years talking about how fences and walls divide people to justify open border policies.

Popular leaders do not need fences and can be among their own people without fear.



When you blatantly steal a presidential election and stay in power through corruption and blackmail it can make you a bit jittery especially in a country with 400,000,000 guns a Constitution that encourages The People to fight their corrupt government.

Jittery Joe made this perfectly clear by AGAIN denouncing the 1/6 protesters as a danger to our democracy. Thou protests too much.


Joe appears to be little more than an automaton at this point.


A golem that has outlived its usefulness.

No amount of magic mud will fix it - and the Jews know it.


@Bon I guess Gavin Gruesom doesn’t want the job, ma’am. Otherwise Batshit Joe would have been replaced already.


I was amazed at how long he went, it was over an hour. I’ve never seen him last more than 15 minutes before he ran out of gas and started drooling. I bet the crash today will be horrendous, possibly fatal?


My son said he was hyped up on some type of meth or uppers - looked like it to me too.


I don’t think the Dems are going to go for a straight White male - their base - she boons and other niggers, feminazis, lesbians, trannies, welfare parasites and Jews won’t stand for it - they would have to go over Kamala Harris too - the optics are not good , she won’t go down quietly - and there will be all kinds of charges of racism, sexism, etc.

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Sometimes a huge erection gets in the way and blocks Joe’s speech, as well. Usually during a crack binge with Hunter and his friends.


It’s little Israel, so of course it’s got a fence!


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