FBI Raids Christian Man For Praying in Abortion Clinic

FBI agents are all ex US Military which is another reason why the USA keeps getting into unnecessary wars. They need brainwashed, follow-orders shit-bags who took orders from Army Jigaboos to fill the ranks of the Eff Bee Eye to attack good White People.

Carlson shows a disturbing video of a good man having his home raided by heavily armed FBI agents because he dared pray inside an abortion clinic. Justice Department Jews see this as an act of terrorism.



For us to hear about this somehow in the news, I can’t help but feel that a message is being dictated to us.
And I think it might have something to do with riling up Christian types (who are white) so that they start to get loud about it (and the increasing amount of similar incidents) so that they can say “white domestic terrorism is on the rise according to the pentagon” and start mass surveillance and arrests of political “dissidents” who oppose woke sensibilities.
Or something like that.
I mean, think about it. The story literally says that a pro life man was raided because he Prayed at an abortion clinic.
Would they arrest someone who took their girlfriend there for an abortion and they are just praying that the operation goes safely and okay? No.
It’s the pro life part they are going after. As if it is radical or dissident to embrace life over some surgical death.
It screams of being there solely to agitate and unnerve readers.
For some reason, it is forbidden to refer to abortion as a murder of sorts, which is exactly what it is.
It’s almost like there is a conspiracy that there might be space aliens or something in the earth who require eating human flesh and government types have to supply them with body parts any way they can get them and abortion is a way to supply them or something.
Something morbid like that. It’s as if they are hell bent or even desperate to make abortion a big time norm— enough so that if someone doesn’t like it, the Feds might pay them a visit to set an example of them or whatever.

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I must add: that I believe anyone who sees praying at an abortion clinic as a heresy or crime deserves to get their ass kicked and some sense knocked into their brain.
I’m serious. There was a time not too long ago where people Would get their asses shut down for even suggesting something so asinine.