YouTube Going After Conspiracy Videos Now

Originally published at: YouTube Going After Conspiracy Videos Now |

This is why YouTube is actually JewTube. It’s Jewish CEO Susan Wojcicki has announced that it is going after conspiracy videos now.

ABC News:

YouTube says it's cracking down on conspiracy videos, though it's scant on the details.

Conspiracy videos abound on YouTube, whether it's about the Earth being flat or school shootings being staged. YouTube, its parent Google, Facebook and Twitter are all facing challenges with the spread of misinformation, propaganda and fake news.

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki said at a conference Tuesday that the company will include links to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia to try to debunk videos espousing conspiracy theories.

If they're going to go after conspiracy theories, they should be targeting CNN, MSNBC and other channels that promote all sorts of ridiculous conspiracy theories about Russia.

They are not going to do this though. What they are going to do is go after videos that offer alternative opinions of all this Jewish clown world propaganda that we see on a daily basis. To them, a conspiracy theory is any point of view that goes against Jewish Communist doctrines.

Going after flat earth and crisis actor conspiracy videos is just the start. This is a cynical campaign by YouTube to tell their viewers how they should think.


The first step of an incrementalist approach is always something that few people would object to, such as gun “registration” or a ban on “assault weapons”. So YT begins with Flat Earth theories, then moves on to WW II revisionism & nationalist ideas.


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I think it odd they went after the Flat Earth theory vids first, and at all, and not straight for Nationalist and Holohoax vids.


The first time I saw this phenomenon was at the time of the San Bernadino shooting. I went onto YOUTUBE looking for video. The bodies were not even cold when there were posts about false flag, ect. I guess with all the people on SSI with nothing to do…but I was amazed at the number of videos. I did not check after the Parkand shooting.


As was mentioned,incrementalism. Small bites,and they start by shutting down content which is so far outside the Overton Window that very few people will even notice. You have to start someplace,so (((they))) start with the cyberspace equivalent of the homeless guy at a street intersection who’s off his meds and ranting out loud to everyone.


They are hell bent on sucking all of the fun out of YouTube. I love the crazy shit on the tubes and once that goes I’ll probably just watch RaceWarski and read books. Jews are their own worse enemies after Christians :slight_smile:


Same here. Heck,back in my pre-internet days,I used to buy the Weekly World News for similar reasons. I reckoned it was at least as accurate as whatever the mainstream organs were publishing,and as a bonus,I got Elvis sightings,Bat Boy,and the Space Alien. And my horoscope,too!


I get my jollies reading about conspiracy theories.


They’ve purged lots of nationalist content for racism so my assumption is that they figure they already have that covered. Now they’re going for any outside the box thinkers.


I saw one of those tabloids at the supermarket check out today. The headline claimed that RFK’s assassination was a CIA operation, that there were two gunmen involved and that Sirhan Sirhan was a brainwashed stooge. I believe all of that is true, because 1) “The Company” has been known to use those supermarket tabloids to release information to the public in the past and 2) Those claims, extraordinary as they are, have the ring of truth about them.

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Bat boy was my favorite. Have you seen the Francis Richard Connolly documentary ‘JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick’? The original has been shoah’d even though there is nothing offensive to ‘fellow white men’ in it, fortunately there are still copies floating around. He skims a lot of stuff to keep it normie friendly and within a reasonable length, but you get the picture.

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I’ve only watched the first half of the video, but it’s very interesting. The author, Mr. Connolly, seems to be rather anti-German, & he clearly accepts the standard Jewish version of WW II, but I think that his review of the economic & business history of the period is insightful. I’ll leave another comment after I finish the video which I heartily recommend.

It is a very (((white washed))) version of history but it reveals some of the major figures behind the assassination of JFK and some of the many reasons he was targeted. I agree that it is slanted against the Germans but no more than you would expect from a British perspective. The facts that the Bankers were financing both sides of the conflict and that the Queen was collecting royalties on the fuel additives that kept the Luftwaffe airborne is more than most Brits could stomach. I can’t remember if it mentions that American Bomber Command was under strict orders not to target the Ford factories in Germany.

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I’ll let you know…

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Thanks @discustard for uploading an extremely interesting video. The historical views presented are indeed very mainstream – every bit as bad as what you’d expect in a public school in the US. In this three and a half hour long video about “Robber Barons” and their crimes one listens in vain for the word ‘Jew’ (though he uses “Jewish” once to refer to a faggot mafia splinter group, LOL). But the first hour about international finance is good. Thereafter, at about the one hour mark, Connolly really gets stuck into the JFK Assassination Plot, & this is great stuff. Finally the last half hour is quite weak, and very poor in its assessment of the invasion of Europe (& I can’t imagine what purpose Connolly thought he was advancing by taking those clumsy swings at religion).

Connolly makes claims about the policies of the Roman Empire that I’ve never heard before, & which I do not believe are true. He often uses the word ‘Nazi’ where he might have used ‘Zionist’. And his remark towards the end about how WW II claimed the lives of “6,000,000 people” reveals much about his historical perspective. Frankly, I would almost hesitate to show this video to normies. But if one is stoutly forearmed with an Alt-Right world view, then there is much information available in a video that is surprisingly easy to watch.

And no, no mention is made of embarrassing orders to the American Bomber Command.

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The hot sheets from MIB

In other words, nothing that deviates in the slightest from their orthodoxy will be tolerated.

Who is Really Behind YouTube’s Censorship?

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Yes it’s an incomplete video but worthwhile. I sort of ignored the bits about religion and gave him a pass on not mentioning the Jews. Once you mention the JQ it would take a few hours to adequately background the problem enough to not sound like a paranoid freak! I think that the real value is like you say, the control of world events by international finance and the JFK part. If you haven’t read it, I would also recommend “Dr Mary’s Monkey” as well. This goes into the CIA’s attempt to weaponize cancer.

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