Will Trump Stop the Invading Bean Monkey Army?

Originally published at: Will Trump Stop the Invading Bean Monkey Army? | Infostormer.com

The good news is that the President knows about the invading bean monkey army. He posted a tweet about it earlier today.

The only question is if anything substantive will be done about it. Under normal circumstances the military would be deployed to deal with this. However, in the insane shit show of a world that we live in, it is doubtful that such a thing will happen.

You see, the American military exists purely to police the world for Jewish interests. It does not exist to preserve American sovereignty or to protect the interests of Americans.

The President needs to deal with this one way or another. It’s absolutely ridiculous that an army of bean monkeys is going to invade the United States under the guise that they are seeking asylum. They are using are crumbly immigration laws to invade and subvert our country.

As I’ve said before, the Jews know how to handle border security. If what the Israelis did to the Palestinians on the Gaza-Israel border a few days ago is acceptable, than the United States can certainly do the same to this invading spic army. Human rights violations are a hoax any way. The Jews have already proven that.


It doesn’t matter what Trump says he can’t do it alone. These people are coming from one of the most violent countries in The world. You realize there is a genetic component to this right?
We are allowing in violent brown tier people who will have babies and reproduce their shitty way of life here in America. We are Fucked if we allow this. Looks to me like the judges and commie Jew fucks gave all beaners an “i win” button. All I can do is make phone calls and bug the hell out of every retard politician.


This is a very important post.

I’ve been saying this for two days: Keep an eye on Trump to see what he does.

So far, he’s been bloviating on Twitter - but hasn’t said he’d stop this fucking invasion of military-aged, low IQ, mestizo men from a shithole country.

If he does nothing, then our votes were wasted and he’s no better than Merkel in Germany.

Here’s a list of their demands:

Fuck them! They should be turned back with military force.


From what I’ve read this brown caravan is a orchestrated probe to see if (((they))), and their gentile collaborators can begin the Kalergi plan against the US just as they have done in Europe.

Jerry Brown will probably send endless trucks filled with food, water and clothing to meet them at the border for resettlement.

Will our president follow in Merkel’s steps and allow it? This is truly Trump’s final test for me. Will he cuck or not?


It would appear that this column of invaders was organized and funded by Uncle Shmuli. Yet more brown bio-weapons being used against Whitey. :rage:

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The idea that this is being made aware to everyone is shocking. Usually they bring them in and there is no pop and circumstance. This will be celebrated as a victory for lefties in California. Trump must show strength and stop this but I think he will chump out.

Final test for Trump call the National Guard and secure our borders or we have no border