War Criminal Tony Blair Demands Invasion of Syria

Originally published at: War Criminal Tony Blair Demands Invasion of Syria | Infostormer.com

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is demanding an invasion of Syria over unproven claims that Bashar Al-Assad ordered the gassing of babies for no specific reason.

In 2003, Blair ordered the United Kingdom to war in Iraq over lies about weapons of mass destruction. An inquiry into the matter condemned his decision to go to war and cited how there was no proof that the UK’s national security was threatened by Iraq.

Point blank, Blair is a war criminal and has admitted that he was wrong to order the British military to war. So with this in mind, why the hell should we listen to him when he demands an invasion of Syria over unproven events?

If there was any justice in this world, Blair should be rotting away in a jail cell awaiting execution. He is nothing but a puppet for Jews and international Zionism.


If there were any justice, he would be hanging from a lamp post.


The photos on Blair’s Metapedia page almost suggest that hanging is too good for him.



Blair’s Metapedia page refers to a BNP page that advocates he should be “put on trial for crimes against humanity and hanged as a war criminal”.


Blair can always be relied upon to support the Zionist globalist Jewish supremacist agenda. And he always supports wars in which White people - but not TB personally - do the fighting. His Iraq war was illegal, so it’s not surprising that now he supports getting into another illegal war for “Israel”, against Syria and Russia.


Tony Blair is a gutless toadying bootlicker. He and Alistair Campbell dragged the UK into the Iraq war at the behest of the US and were complicit in providing the faked evidence for Yellow Cake uranium that was presented to the UN by the US army house boy Colin Powell who by the way was involved in the attempted cover up of the My Lai massacre. Tony Blair is a mass murderer and should be tried and executed for his crimes.

The day that the UN puts Tony Blair on trial is the day I will take them seriously. Unfortunately the UN are a bigger joke than the idea of International Law.


Yes, upside down getting booted to death the lying slithering wee Jew bastard.

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…meant that as reply to ForlornHope’s comment.

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