TruNews Permanently Banned From Jewish YouTube

Originally published at: TruNews Permanently Banned From Jewish YouTube |

Fresh off of banning Nick Fuentes, the Jewish social media site YouTube has banned TruNews. As you probably already know, TruNews was producing a great deal of informative material exposing Jewish criminality. They especially did good work exposing the Jewish role in the impeachment hoax.

TruNews has been banned permanently from Youtube.

— TruNews™ (@TruNews) February 20, 2020

The bottom line is that they’re eventually going to ban everyone and anyone who doesn’t agree with official Jewish narratives and opinions. There will certainly be more bans over the next several months in the lead up to the election in November.

Not even Bernie Sanders supporters will be safe. They will come after them next and probably claim some weird stuff about them being Russia agents or dupes.