Trump Moves to Ban Vaping Products Because Vaping Will Kill You

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I would like to thank Donald Trump the President of America for seriously looking at banning vaping products. The epidemic of vaping is one of the most critical issues facing our country at this moment.

Digital Trends:

The vape industry used to view May 2020 as a time of reckoning: it’s when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would require applications for any flavored e-liquid, with products taken off the market until they gained approval.

But nothing prepared makers and fans of e-cigarettes for the events of Wednesday, when President Donald Trump dropped the gauntlet some eight months early by announcing his administration would ban flavored e-cigarettes.

“I said ‘oh shit, is this for real?” Jai Gyorfi, better known as ‘Jai Haze’ on YouTube, said of learning of the e-cigarette flavor ban, which takes effect within a matter of weeks. Haze, who runs a vape shop in New Jersey, has nearly 170,000 subscribers on his vaping-oriented YouTube channel. After the announcement, a bewildered Gyorfi hosted a livestream with nearly 2,000 viewers who were blindsided by the news.

Vaping kills people. This is just a fact.

I personally know several people who vaped. Most of them died after vaping for a single week. The ones who did not die suffered greatly from their vaping habits. Many of them went bald, developed erectile dysfunction and experienced anal leakage.

One of my good friends pictured below was forced to permanently wear an adult diaper. That’s because his ass kept leaking as a result of his vaping addiction. He did not go bald however, but as you can see, his life was impacted quite negatively from vaping.

This vaping business is truly horrible. Just say no and stay away from vaping kids. Vaping will ruin your life. All vaping products should absolutely be banned. This is a crisis and the hysteria and panic over this is definitely warranted.


Almost pissed myself when I got to the pic.



Banning vaping is critical to the US while the Trump administration ignores Israel’s spying in DC? Just another day in Clown World.


To be serious, vaping is literally retarded.


First Trump came for your Juul, next it will be for your AR15!


So Trump is actually good for America. He really cares about the health of you people and prevents you from becoming vaping victims, like the pitiful person on that picture.
Orange man must be re-elected, by all means.


I wonder if vaping is okay in Israel.

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It depends on why you do it. I had a 30+ year smoking habit, and had tried to quit nicotine many times, and failed.
Finally, around 2012, a vape shop opened. I had tried Blu’s and crap like that before, they did nothing.
I was at the point where every time I took a drag off a cigarette, I hacked up a lung nearly, and I couldn’t breathe, and any slightest exertion left me completely out of breath.
This new vape shop had the new bigger mods with tanks that would deliver enough nicotine vapor to feed the nicotine habit. Within 3 days I was completely off cigarettes.
Within a few weeks I was breathing 100% normally. I now have excellent lung capacity for a man my age. I can do whatever I like.
Within a month or two of quitting smoking for vaping, I was able to begin cycling. I worked up to serious hill climbing, hitting it like a mad bastard.
That’s saying a hell of a lot.
Sure, it would be better if I was 100% nicotine free, but speaking as a person who quit a severe alcohol and hard drug problem and has nearly 12 years of straight edge sobriety, I don’t think it was or is a willpower problem. Nicotine is a helluva drug.
I advise anyone who smokes and can’t quit to switch to vaping, and who gives a damn what anyone thinks about it?
Just make sure to talk to a veteran vaper first, bc unfortunately there are tons of devices and different vapes out there, and even people who work at vape shops, and people who make YT vids are regularly full of BS.
I’d like to see some actual regulation of the vape industry, so far as insuring that vape devices are safe and e-liquids are domestic and don’t contain poisons or contaminants, but taking away the flavors to save muh childrens is ridiculous.
One bit of advice for anyone: The juul devices they sell at convenience stores and the ones like them - bad. Not good.
If you don’t smoke, for God’s sake don’t start vaping, but if you do smoke, vaping is far less harmful.


They vape foreskin blood there.


I’m with you here. I just hate that kids vape when they obviously are not doing it to quit smoking.


Trump doesn’t smoke or drink. Will he crack down on the alcohol industry next?

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That’s a problem with people selling them to kids.

Unfortunately, kids are still smoking like crazy. Vince breaks down the numbers here.

If it were my kid I’d go old school: Make him smoke a whole carton till he throws up. Same for vape: make him use up all the cartridges in one sitting

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Vaping started as a means for smokers to still get their nic fix without the tar. Now its everywhere and people especially kids are vaping who never smoked. They admit they do not know what the chemicals are in vap juice, although glycol (antifreeze) is often mentioned. This is madness folks. I think smoking is better than vaping. There are people who have smoked their entire lives and seem fine and some live into their 70’s and 80’s, but within only a few years with vaping being around already we are hearing of serious lung disorders happening, like ‘popcorn lung’ which is permanent, and even some deaths reported. Vaping can be useful for former smokers to not get the tar with the hopes of quitting altogether, however I don’t feel it is a safe alternative. Even without the tar you are still a nicotine addict. Where I live a grown man cannot get flavored cigars for when you go fishing or something, that’s illegal, but they sell vape products to young people and of course we know the underage kids are getting an older person to buy it for them. I have seen kids in 6th and 7th grade vaping already. The flavors and smell is from whatever chemicals are in it, and this is what makes it so addictive. One container of vape juice is the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes and some kids are using up to 3 vials a day. And it is a highly concentrated form of nicotine. Now that a generation is hooked on this shit I fear that it will lead to a black market now if suddenly it is taken away from them. The whole idea was originally good but is abused and is becoming a public health crisis.

Popcorn lung is not a thing. That was a temporary phenomenon due to Chinese e-juices that contained rose hips and other additives. It never was a widespread phenomenon, and hasn’t been reported in years.
There is a small amount of propylene glycol in most vape juice, this is true.
Smoking is in no way safe. The evidence you post:

This is not data of any sort, it’s just anecdotal. In my experience, most smokers I know who did not quit died an early and horrible death. I’ve seen it over and over.

You are 100% incorrect in things like this:

Vape juice comes in a variety of types, levels of nicotine, and sizes. That is just a silly assertion.


USA made and regulated free base e-juice contains vegetable glycerin, FDA nicotine, a small amount of propylene glycol (not in all juice), and candy flavors made by candy companies.

No, it is the nicotine.

That’s a real problem. There should be extremely serious criminal laws against this.

The FDA even admits that the public health crisis is from marijuana vapes with vitamin e oil as a thickener, not regular vapes.

That sucks, and it’s due to the same specious “for the children” nonsense that they are trying to use on vapes now.

I feel they need some good vape regulation to ensure quality and safety, but the rest of it is nonsense. See my other post above.

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  1. I am not in the US so we have a different set of regulations.
  2. I never said smoking was safe, just from the centuries people have used tobacco and the relatively new thing vaping is, it seems to me problems due to vaping are showing up much sooner than regular smokers. We will reevaluate this in 10 years or so.
  3. The flavours and sweet smells of vape juice is the initial attractant to doing it, then nicotine addiction follows.
  4. Health care practitioners in my neck of the woods said themselves the additives in vape juice are largely unknown or in too small quantities in their opinion to do any ‘harm’, therefore they are not required to list them. Again US may be different.
  5. Popcorn lung has been one of the most common issues in this country and hardly a ‘temporary phenomenon’. Again time will tell.

An extreme few people can survive into their 90’s smoking and drinking but that’s so few people to matter.