The Site is Under Continued Attack by the Jews

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that the site is still under relentless attack by the Jews. As a result, articles published on the blog portion of the site aren’t showing up in the comments section of the forum.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get this fixed at some point.

It’s possible that these DDos attacks are a precursor to some shit that’s going to go down in the Middle East.

Gab and all sorts of Alt-Right related sites have been under attack over the past few days and all this as things are starting to heat up with Israel and Iran.

Interesting times to say the least…


It certainly is funny how the jews dismiss us as a small bunch of losers living in mom’s basement (that cliche NEVER gets old) yet at the same time are moving heaven and earth to silence us!



I am starting to get very tired of these people, if one can call them that. :rage: