The Female Intellectual: Fact or Fiction?

What do you think? Do these creatures really exist, or is it a poet’s fancy?

I really can’t make up my mind – I’ve spent so much of my life at universities. There are intellectual women there, though very few. But do they exist in the wild, so to speak? I’m not sure.

Maybe they’re just a hot-house flower, a product of the gardener’s forcing bed.


Or maybe just a chimera.


True, but a rare breed. Two that pop into my mind are Virginia Abernathy and Ann Coulter. Male intellectuals are by orders of magnitude more common, but also rare when you consider the vast sea of mediocrity out there.

Saying this, I would not class myself among intellectuals. I am self-aware enough to know that I am not among the shining intellects.


This. They exist,but they are definitely outliers.

Oh,and for the zhids that are monitoring all of the conversations here,the answer is very definitely “no”. Got that?

Betty Friedan,Shulamit Firestone,Charles Krauthammer,and all those other talking heads don’t class as intellectuals. Pilpul and fast talking aren’t the same as original thought.


There are certainly many smart and clever women, but true intellectuals in the sense of a Bertrand Russell or Julius Evola? I think not.


I wouldn’t classify myself as an intellectual, nor would anyone else, but just a point to ponder, most revolutions are of the masses revolting against the tyranny and the intellectuals are usually the first to hang.