Ted Cruz Wants Portland's Mayor Punished For Empowering Antifa

Originally published at: Ted Cruz Wants Portland’s Mayor Punished For Empowering Antifa | Infostormer.com

Ted Cruz went to Twitter demanding that action be taken against Portland’s Mayor Ted Wheeler following various attacks by anti-fascists in the city over the weekend. Wheeler has basically allowed anti-fascists to do whatever they want and police refuse to take action against them.

Thank you for reporting on this sickening assault. Other journalists should do the same & those who facilitated or turned a blind eye to domestic terrorists—e.g., the Mayor—should be held fully accountable. By DOJ. By civil litigators. By criminal prosecutors. AND by the media. https://t.co/uqRRYEmhFe

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) June 30, 2019

The most notable of these attacks was the brutal assault on Andy Ngo a gay Asian who had been documenting the activities of the anti-fascists in the city.

A few other guys got beaten up pretty good as well.

Both John & Adam were beaten by Antifa after trying to help a gay man in a sun dress being chased down the street. While the cowards are masked, John and Adam faced the crowds openly and agreed to be named publicly. "I'm not afraid," John told me. This is John. /f pic.twitter.com/WDc88xT16W

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 1, 2019

The problem is that we’ve seen this over and over again. These anti-fascist groups are literally protected by the government and people who do nothing but defend themselves from their attacks end up getting arrested by the police. There is never any action taken against the anti-fascists. They are literally allowed to do violence with impunity.

Until there is a total cleansing of the deep state swamp, the people involved with these groups and the people who empower them are not going to be held accountable. It doesn’t matter how many tweets Cruz or other politicians send out about this.

And don’t expect orange man to do anything about it either. If he hasn’t done something about it now, I don’t expect him to do anything except maybe send out a few tweets or retweets.

So much for draining the swamp. If the swamp was being drained maybe there’d be some hope that this shitbag mayor would be held accountable for empowering anti-fascist terrorists.


Antifa Plots Acid Attack At DC Free Speech Rally www.www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-01/antifa-plots-acid-attack-dc-free-speech-rally


That little faggot slope has raised $150K on his GoFundMe page.


Fuck Cruz! He’s in a position to do more than fuckin tweet. What a coward…











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