Spain Accepts Boat of Monkey Invaders Rejected by Italy

Originally published at: Spain Accepts Boat of Monkey Invaders Rejected by Italy |

A boat load of nigger invaders rejected by Italy has been just been accepted by Spain. The Aquarius nigger taxi just docked in Valencia hours ago.

Spain’s government has made a grave miscalculation by accepting these boats of monkeys. It is only going to increase support for nationalist and populist groups and parties throughout the country.

A protest was held against the acceptance of the monkey boat.

These boats have literally been traveling off the coast of Libya to pick up Africans on dinky vessels. This is often done in conjunction with traffickers. They’ve been regularly ferrying this human filth to Italy but with a new populist government in charge, they have finally put an end to this. Now they’re forced to dump their subhuman cargo into Spain which is a much longer journey.

The good news is that with Italy blocking these vessels, it makes it much harder for these traffickers to operate. The bad news is that it is still being allowed to go on. There is still a path for infinity niggers to invade Europe. These operations need to be shut down immediately.

Make no mistake about it. The nigger is a biological weapon used by Jews against us. The people involved with these monkey ferrying operations should be arrested and put in prison.


It’s just another form of poisoning a public resevoir.


They badly need another Franco.



I always think of George C Scott when I see that ugly dago mug!

It’s pretty bizarre for Spain to be taking in those monkeys. Their economy is in worse shape than Italy. They have a much bigger border with France and I can’t imagine they will want to stop the coons If they decide to enrich Northern Europe some more. I suppose you can’t have too many magic negroes to run their tech industries and space programs?


I thought Mediterranean whites were far more racially conscious than northern Europeans? This rerouting of infinite niggers into Spain must be going on despite strong objections from the majority of Spaniards, I should think. Perhaps it will cause the union of Castile and Aragon to blow apart? And why doesn’t the Spanish “King” have anything to say about this matter? What good is royalty if they won’t do a goddamn thing to save their own subjects from a foreign invader?


Spain has a new commie government. 50% of the ministers are women. The men are cucks.


One of the many reasons why I detest the monarchy, they are as bad as Jews and operate exactly the same sort of rackets. Empty honors like Knighthoods etc. for those that play the game and all the empty pomp and ceremony of state but when it comes to the point of actually addressing problems or doing anything for the welfare of their nation over the welfare of their bank balance, they are as quiet as a Jew at a Nuremberg rally. Perhaps a new Franco will emerge to save Spain?


I wonder if ETA will roll over as the IRA in Ireland did. Anyway, it’s going to be a hot summer. This will not end well.

Edit] There’s a lot of good information about all of this business on The Daily Stormer’s Spanish language site, but you have to know Spanish to read it (