Richard Spencer Declares His Support For Child Porn?

Originally published at: Richard Spencer Declares His Support For Child Porn? |

What a bizarre clip this is. Richard Spencer appears to declare his support for child porn and how it can be used as a potential benefit to child molesters.

Needless to say, this clip has been making the rounds. There is even an attempt to meme Spencer as a child porn supporter because of it.

This is truly unfortunate as I don’t believe that this was what he was trying to say. From what I could gather it looked as if he was trying to describe how simulated child porn and not real child porn could be used to help treat child molesters. He was citing that as an example to prove how porn can cause sexual dysfunction. He just didn’t articulate the point well and choosing child porn simulated or otherwise as an example to prove the point was a terrible choice.

The full video provides better context if you can stomach watching through it.

Quite frankly, I don’t even know why they chose to have an hour long conversation on weird topics surrounding sexual frustration. There’s far more important things that one could discuss during a live stream or a podcast. Most in the Alt-Right aren’t interested in such topics. Many would also argue that child molesters should be gassed or thrown off of roof tops.

I blame Spencer’s stumbling primarily on the fact that he was drinking alcohol before and during the live stream.

Drinking alcohol before and during his public appearances has been a common thing for Spencer. Under normal circumstances, I would not care how much alcohol another grown man decides to drink. If a man can drink a 12-pack of beer every day and operate like a normal person, than more power to them. This is not the case with Spencer. It’s become clear that alcohol adversely impacts his public speaking performances. This does not serve him nor the movement well.

I’m not the only one who has noticed this. There were several people commenting under the full video post suggesting that Spencer layoff the booze. They’re not wrong either.

If people think I’m a dick for criticizing Spencer’s drinking, I really don’t give a shit. This half drunken live stream performance has resulted in people trying to meme him into a child porn advocate. It’s greatly disappointing that this happened especially after his good performance in the debate against Sargon. This was the football equivalent of an own goal and it was totally avoidable.


Spencer has done some good things that have helped our cause, but he has the oratorical charisma of a dirty tissue that went through the washer & dryer.


He is under constant scrutiny and vilification; it would hardly matter what he said, it would be deliberately twisted by our enemies. I don’t believe he supports child porn.


I don’t believe he does either. He shouldn’t be drinking and going on live streams though. It opens up the opportunity for mistakes like this to be made.


The idea that pedophiles can be treated from a psychiatric position has been discredited for decades. They are the one group of perverts that are beyond redemption. The only treatment that has an effect is chemical or physical castration. Even after physical castration, if they have access to testosterone they will offend again. Society is better off without these predators.

Banning access to porn is far more beneficial to perverts than controlled access. Any form of sexual stimulation causes them to act out sooner or later.

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It’s an entirely Jewish construct. Spencer should have never even brought it up.

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Unfortunately it seems that Spencer doesn’t have what it takes to be a leader. But the name Spencer…is he related to a certain well-known alcoholic, by any chance?

churchill speech

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