Racism Encouraging Blacks to Move Back to Africa!

Originally published at: Racism Encouraging Blacks to Move Back to Africa! | Infostormer.com

This is the greatest article I’ve seen all day. It looks like all the hate and racism we have been pushing is finally paying off!

Al Jazeera:

They have come from the big cities of San Francisco, Chicago, and New York. Thousands of them. And many refuse to return.

A new wave of African Americans is escaping the incessant racism and prejudice in the United States. From Senegal and Ghana to The Gambia, communities are emerging in defiance of conventional wisdom that Africa is a continent everyone is trying to leave.

It is estimated that between 3,000 and 5,000 African Americans live in Accra, the Ghanaian capital. They are teachers in small towns in the west or entrepreneurs in the capital and say they that even though living in Ghana is not always easy, they feel free and safe.

Take Muhammida el-Muhajir, a digital marketer from New York City, who left her job to move to Accra.

She says she moved, because despite her education and experience, she was always made to feel like a second-class citizen. Moving was an opportunity to fulfil her potential and avoid being targeted by racial violence.

All Blacks in the United States should follow the example of those described in this article. If you move back to Africa, you'll be around your own people and you will not be subjected to racial discrimination. That means no more hurt feelings from racist White people.

Marcus Garvey tried to do this years ago but he was condemned by other Blacks. Looks like he had the right idea based on this article!

Marcus Garvey tried to get his fellow Blacks to go back to Africa back in the early 20th century. Unfortunately, they refused to follow his lead.

But seriously, why is this such a hard concept for these niggers to understand? If the White man is so racist and mean, it is easy to buy a plane ticket that will take you back to Africa. This is something Blacks should really consider taking advantage of because if they think the election of Donald Trump was bad, they haven't seen anything yet.

This story proves that racism and hate works. We need more not less of it. The more racism and hate there is, the more likely it is that we’ll see Blacks take their asses back to Africa where they belong!


lol, mooslims are gonna judge white Americans on racism towards blacks


I believe you are right, Mr. Stormer. Trump himself may be something of a marshmallow but the White leaders who come after him will be real hard-asses. It would be in everyone’s best interest, including the coloreds, if they simply left now and peacefully returned to Africa. They would be welcomed by African blacks as an instant ruling elite and we would be more than happy to help them leave. It’s win-win! Unfortunately, most coloreds are literally so thick-skulled they won’t understand any of this and will stubbornly insist on remaining here until we either kill them off or drive them out.


Personally, I think the niggers would be more comfortable living in Israel.


It really is in their best interest to return to their homeland. I would even contribute to a fund to help them on their way.


I dont hate niggers and I dont wish them harm. Economically these niggers are going to be worse, but they are probably going to have more meaningful lives. The good niggers are going to leave, the shit ones are going to stay and they’re going to be concentrated. This is good for them. Niggers can improve, but they need to find their own way without whitey. Our help, even if its genuine, harms them.


Yes. Yes. Yes!!

Time for blacks to leave racist, KKK, hateful America where blacks are kept down and put in prison for no reason whatsoever.



I hate them for the murders, rape, assaults, robberies - way out of proportion - they’ve committed against our people.



This means no more Sheeboons

jpg she looks guilty



Can you imagine a country free of that?

And this?

Maybe we can take the bars off of our windows, not have to look over our shoulder at the ATM and leave our doors unlocked again…


To quote the old South Side Chicago spiritual, “na na na na hey hey good bye!”


To give you one of many examples of these disgusting creatures, my daughters and I were in the chip and snack aisle at the grocery store, when two obese sheeboons were grabbing several jars of chip dip off the shelves. Turns out they were opening each jar and dipping their nasty fingers to sample each jar before closing the lids and putting one by one back on the shelf. My question is, why are these savages living among us?


That’s the latest hit song from the groovy new band all the kids are talking about:



Q] What would you do if you had enough money to send half the niggers back to Africa?

A] Send them all back halfway!


There will be a day of reckoning when these filthy beasts will be dealt with - after we deal with those who have done this to us first.

(((THEY))) are our #1 enemy.

It’s funny how some blacks take Arab names when it was the Arabs who enslaved blacks way before Europeans knew what a black was. Meanwhile African blacks are stampeding out of their countries towards Europe and flooding those countries. It would be nice if blacks moved back to Africa but they’re too stupid to survive there.

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LMAO! That is too funny!

I just threw up in my mouth.

This is hilarious because it’s the exact opposite of reality. It’s just that the media keeps telling them how raysis whitey is over and over.

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