Pentagon to Still Allow Tranny Freaks to Join Military

Originally published at: Pentagon to Still Allow Tranny Freaks to Join Military |

Does anybody really think that the military needs chicks with dicks?

The President of the United States has ordered that tranny freaks should not be able to join the military for obvious reasons. These people are insane and accommodating such freaks places an unfair burden on the military services.

In spite of that, the Pentagon is still going to allow these freaks to enlist as this issue is litigated!


The Pentagon is allowing transgender people to enlist in the military beginning Jan. 1, despite President Donald Trump's opposition.

The new policy reflects growing legal pressure on the issue, and the difficult hurdles the federal government would have to cross to enforce Trump’s demand to ban transgender individuals from the military. Two federal courts already have ruled against the ban. Potential transgender recruits will have to overcome a lengthy and strict set of physical, medical and mental conditions that make it possible, though difficult, for them to join the armed services.

Maj. David Eastburn, a Pentagon spokesman, says the enlistment of transgender recruits will start Jan. 1 and go on amid the legal battles. The Defense Department also is studying the issue.

Difficult hurdles? What difficult hurdles? You just don’t let them join just like was done in the past. This is not rocket science.

The President should fire all the military officers that are insisting on allowing this insanity to continue.

What a bunch of shit this is. There is no logical argument supporting the idea that having tranny freaks in the military strengthens the force. It is nothing but Jewish gibberish of the worst order.


As I have said numerous times already the real US military was destroyed in the early to mid 1970s as a result of the disastrous war in Vietnam. Backdoor Barry Soetoro pretty much finished it off when he purged the War Department of all remaining high-ranking officers who might have had a problem with allowing trannies, faggots, little girls, affirmative action she-coons and mestizo gang-bangers to enlist.


Anyone with a pre-existing medical condition is not fit for service. Men with back acne were not allowed to go to Vietnam due to risk of infection. Men are built to fight. We women are built to comfort. If transpeople want to help the armed forces, they can cook, wash dishes, but never fight.


Using their logic I could walk up to the Little Caesar’s Arena and demand that they let me play for the Red Wings because if they don’t then they are sexist and ableist. No no no. We suit up are best to fight and defend. Giving participation trophies was the beginning of this nonsense.

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The Pentagon seems to have forgotten the purpose of having an army in the first place.


Armies are supposed to protect borders?

It does sound better than fighting wars for Israel or becoming the subject of bizarre social experiments.

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Russia has real soldiers on their border and no gay pride marches in their army… imagine that.


And Russia is also erecting new monuments to their heroes of the past rather than tearing them down.