Patriot Front Alamo Demonstration

Originally published at: Patriot Front Alamo Demonstration |

A solid demonstration from the guys at Patriot Front in front of the Alamo down in Texas. We need more of these types of street actions.

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“Normies” say that symbols like the Fasces and the Swazi will scare off the public from supporting pro-White causes but I’m not so sure about that. At any rate we do not need to have the masses on our side until after we have assumed power. Once we get rid of the coloreds and the wetbacks, rebuild the roads and schools and help get everyone’s medical bills paid they will reward us with their undying loyalty.

Here’s a holiday film recommendation for any readers who haven’t seen it yet:

The feeble IMDb description fails the film badly, but you won’t be sorry to have spent the time to watch it. The cast is excellent. And there’s a memorable scene set at the Alamo.

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