Ocasio-Cortez Complains About Being Mistaken for an Intern

Originally published at: Ocasio-Cortez Complains About Being Mistaken for an Intern | Infostormer.com

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is officially a member of Congress. Despite that, she is complaining that people are mistaking her for an intern or a spouse as she attends meetings for incoming Congressional members.

Pretty funny shit. Some in the Jew news media are saying that she’s a victim of sexism, racism or whatever because of this.

But I’m actually thrilled that she is in Congress. She and her Democrat Communist friends are going to make the Democrat Party look increasingly insane to the average person.

Plus, Ocasio-Cortez has previously associated herself with anti-Israel politics and that is a thing I definitely want to see more of inside the Democrat Party.

It’s just surprising that this type of thing hasn’t happened sooner, as this has already happened with leftist political parties across Europe. Most notably we’ve seen it in the British Labour Party which already has a large contingent of anti-Israel types.


I bet it doesn’t take too much longer before someone mistakes her for a cleaning lady.



“Get that floor spic & span!”




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members of congress are asking; " do you know anyone who can do my lawn?"


I think this Bean Nigger is actually useful. People were telling us that socialists are actually disguised commies for decades and no one believed them.
Well, here is the proof!

Even the Indians were capitalists with extensive trade routes you dumb ass bitch.

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