New Yorkers to Amazon: "You're Worth $1 Trillion. Why Do You Need Our $3 Billion?"

I have to say I agree with these protesters. These big corporations are always asking for more money and services and never wanting to spend their own money. They use tax shelters to keep the majority of the money they make out of our economy and to not pay taxes. It’s a horrible deal for everyone involved except for the top guys like Bezos who spend more before lunchtime then we’d see in 100 lifetimes. It is sickening.

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yes, and the super-rich owners of sports teams get the taxpayers to build their stadiums.

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“You need to get fat and watch niggerball, goys”

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Like I said, I support those who protested Amazon demanding that they not take corporate welfare and demanding good jobs with good pay. Amazon slavery is not a welcome development in our time.