New Caravan Enters Mexico Through Open Border Checkpoint

Originally published at: New Caravan Enters Mexico Through Open Border Checkpoint |

Mexico just allowed a huge caravan of Central American invaders to enter their country through an open border checkpoint. Obviously they can’t be counted on to do anything about this situation.

There’s apparently thousands of these savages heading north in their quest to invade America and get free shit from the White man.

President Trump chimed in on the situation and once again made the case for the border wall.

The Democrats view these invaders as future Democrat voters so they have no problem with them invading the country and turning it into a giant shithole. This makes Democrats traitors to the country who deserve to suffer the penalty of death.

I say shoot these Aztec invaders. Send them all to hell where they belong.


notice that these poor migrants are dressed nicely and are FAT. it appears as if they are living the good life down there. maybe we should make them a deal. they can have the USA if we can have their countries but they cannot try to come back to central america. they MUST stay in the USA. then we can start our all white nation and write an ironclad constitution prohibiting non-whites from entering.


They all look like they haven’t missed a meal.