New "Apeshit" Video Depicts Apes Shitting on Mona Lisa

Originally published at: New “Apeshit” Video Depicts Apes Shitting on Mona Lisa |

Mainstream pop culture is such a horrible cesspool. We can thank the Jews and their pet monkeys as the main reason why it is so terrible.

This new Beyonce/Jay-Z music video is another example of this phenomenon. Entitled “Apeshit” the video features them and a bunch of monkeys dancing around the famous Louvre museum in Paris.

The Louvre is best known for housing the Mona Lisa and other famous works of art. To see this type of degenerate garbage in such a place is seriously retarded. It’s literally and figuratively a bunch of apes shitting over Western civilization itself. I don’t know how else this could be interpreted.

But the only reason Beyonce and Jay-Z have any relevance at all is because they have been jammed down our throats by Jews who have multi-billion dollar media megaphones. They’ve created a tiny black elite class to push an Africanization and race-mixing agenda.

The thing is, this Africanization agenda has been pushed so hard and for so long that it’s created a cultural backlash. The Alt-Right, Donald Trump’s election and the rise of populism in Europe is a natural reaction to this continued onslaught of nigger garbage.



What a sink of filth and corruption.


Prior to the emancipation of kikes, our ancestors lived in a Western Indo-European culture. After the Yids were allowed to infiltrate and infect our civilization at every level we now exist under an Afro-Semitic culture. Niggers, kikes, faggots, are glorified on TV, in movies, and in advertising. School kids learn about the “accomplishments” of subhuman man-apes, while having our own heroes erased from historic memory.


Every air conditioning unit made should be stamped with an image of Dr. Linde before it gets shipped to the end user.

The vast majority of humanity has no idea of how much is owed to some boring White guys at a lunch table,with a scratch pad,dreaming up better ways to do things.


If we ever get control of our schools back from the jews and Reds we will teach our White children about the real heroes of their race, like Nikola Tesla, Bouddica, Dr. Hanna Reitsch, Hypatia of Alexandria and Otto Skorzeny.


I often wonder about whether or not it will be possible to save our great works of Western culture from the mindless hordes of coloreds and Mohammedans we are allowing to overwhelm us. If the White race is ever -may the gods forbid it!- wiped out, then perhaps the Orientals will preserve whatever was best about our civilization, in the same way that we tried to save the relics of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.


Now we need a video showing a bunch of nigger janitors sweeping & mopping & cleaning the shit off the floor.

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What struck me about this was the ‘ape’ thing. I feel this is symbolic of the teaching of evolution, which says we came from apes. Western civilization was supposed to rise above this crap but got subverted instead. There has been recent DNA barcode discoveries that place all life as coming into existence at the same time. Also the fact that apes still exist today really speaks volumes. Also evolution teaches we are supposed to progress and get better and better. Is this happening? Can anyone seriously say that? We who have our eyes open know for a fact mankind is going the other way, toward extinction, and this all completely deliberate and calculated. With all this it’s easy to see how evolution is a fraud pushed by freemason/cabbalist Judaic scientists. This and the ‘entertainment’ industry are full of this type of ideology.


I still remember the 1970’s when I was in grade school. We learned about Marathon, Leonidas at Thermopolyae, Francis Marion, the Alamo. I doubt many kids learned about that “boring” stuff these days.


@OliverRevilo You received a better grade school education than I did. I don’t remember anything of importance being taught by any of my teachers! They all sort of just drifted into teaching after being carpet salesmen and Coast Guard Reservists.


Maybe it is because one of my teachers in 6th grade had served in the Korean War. Our town was also in a region near the Cherry Valley Massacre, Battle of Oriskany, Battle of Saratoga, Fort Stanwix… all of these were just a short drive away.

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