Neo-Con Kike Max Boot Jumps On "White Privilege" Bandwagon

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Max Boot on Twitter: "I once scoffed at claims of “white male privilege,” dismissing such criticisms as mere “political correctness.” But in the Trump era I have…"

Wow! Check out this tweet from the Neo-Con kike Max Boot. He’s jumping on board the “White privilege” bandwagon. Like other Jews, he’s trying to present himself as a White person while talking about how awful “White privilege” is.

Jews are not White. They never have been and never will be. It is just a trick they Jews use to demonize White people.

What he doesn’t get is that most White people already know that the main group of people whining about “White privilege” are Jews. By doing this, he’s just making this kike chicanery all the more transparent.

Your tricks have been exposed Boot and you deserve a big boot right up your ass!


Once you discover the pattern to jewish behavior you can easily see they are not clever at all. In fact they are borderline retarded / autistic. Hardly surprising, since they are heavily inbred.


He’s obviously a retarded person. This whole thing with a Jew pretending to be White while whining about White privilege has been exposed for years now. Tim Wise made sure of that.

You would think he’d try to be more discreet but Jews can’t help themselves.


Ayo Hol up, Tim Jacob Wise is the whiteyist white man around, just check out his twitter feed and he’ll tell you. He’s only a Jew Quadroon or a high yella heeb. But seriously his feed is concentrated hate, only a Jew could maintain that sort of toxic passion year after year. It just isn’t normal.


These neurotic jews are the ones who count on their privilege to save them from common sense responses to their toxic and endlessly repetitive diatribes.



For Boot I really had a crucifixion in mind…

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