Michael Richards Spews Racial Hate


Give this man an endorsement! By the way those fucking rude niggers need to calm down. Why so serious? Small pathetic black man gets his feelings hurt again. Boo hoo.


Some comedians get media coverage by showing disrespect to black US citizens. But in the working place there are many black employees who deserve and get respect. Managers will fire any employee that uses the word NIGGER to a fellow co-worker. Verbal Racism is confined to the home, where the words NIGGER or CRACKER can be used as often as desired.

Niggers in the working place getting respect? They dont need that lmao. And verbal racism is confined to the home? Maybe for you, but i like to call niggers out in public just like this guy. Im just not as nice about it. Reconstruction is another word for blacks trying to put the shackles on us. Trying to tell us what we can or cant say. And no smelly nigger needs slaves when most urban high schools read at a 3rd grade level.


Tough Blacks are everywhere in my hometown. If you wore a MAGA hat expect a broken jaw. The only ones who can shout NIGGER in public are the Hispanics, they carry knives and fear not to use them. Broken jaws take six months to heal, they require a wire to hold the bones in place. A NIGGER punch is a jaw breaker. Best to shout NIGGER in the privacy of ones home. Verbal Racism is seldom expressed by a white man in my hometown.

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Now whats wrong with you? Tough niggers are a hoax i can tell you that on first hand account, they only run their mouth then run away, id advise you sir to work out and band together with strong minded whites. Clean up your town! Never back down. You want freedom? Earn it.

This is true , Ive lived in a few different cities over the years, many parts of Europe there are white areas that take zero attitude from blacks, and east europeans, Scottish and Irish are pretty violent and defiant, north of England is also like this in many areas.

People don’t mess with you if they think you’ll fight back. I suggest getting outside and going to the gym for people who are timid and frightened of blacks and mexicans. I’m not advocating yelling racial slurs, but you’ve already lost the battle if your afraid of them. Trust me, blacks and mexicans are not impressive, but the media makes them out to be. They carry weapons though, which should make one extra cautious of them.

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