Kike Laura Loomer Gets Gassed on Live Tube Stream!

Originally published at: Kike Laura Loomer Gets Gassed on Live Tube Stream! |


Andy Warski has established an interesting niche for himself. He invites a number of different Internet personalities from the Alt-Right, Alt-Lite and other political niches on to a Google Hangout that is live streamed across the tubes. The end result is raw uncensored political bloodsport!

We saw this in action with the Richard Spencer, Sargon of Akkad debate a short period of time ago.

This time, Baked Alaska hosted such a stream with Andy Warski as his co-host. The tube stream featured the lying tire Jewess Laura Loomer, Mister Metokur, Lauren Southern and Mike Enoch.

Loomer was called out for lying about her tire getting slashed and for doxxing Mike Enoch’s mother. Things got really interesting when Enoch himself came on the stream and challenged Loomer.

I only watched bits and pieces but the few funny parts that I saw was when Warski called Loomer a cunt for doxxing Enoch’s mother and when she whined about Azzmador’s call to gas kikes at Unite the Right. Technically though, both myself and Azzmador called for Jews to be gassed at Unite the Right. Minor detail though.

Long story short, Loomer was fully gassed on this live stream from all sides. While I have my differences with some of the personalities that were on the stream, Loomer was by far the most reprehensible of them all. Even Warski was ready to gas the bitch!

Loomer makes Southern’s cam whoring tolerable. Loomer is a wretched kike who needs to be fully gassed off the tubes! Disagree? Watching just a few minutes of her on this stream will change your opinion. I guarantee it!




Laura Lampshade made a real jewess of herself. Baked does a good job as moderator. I enjoyed the whole podcast.