Justin Trudeau Corrects Girl Who Says "Mankind"

Originally published at: Justin Trudeau Corrects Girl Who Says “Mankind” | Infostormer.com


Justin Trudeau is such a faggot. It’s comical that this clown is the leader of Canada. How does such a thing happen?

Here’s another story proving what a faggot he is.

He was speaking at a town hall and corrected a girl who said “mankind” and suggested that she use the more politically correct term “peoplekind”. Just what type of madness is this?


Justin Trudeau, the Canadian leader who has declared himself a feminist and oversees a cabinet half-filled with women, has found himself in hot water after he interrupted a young woman to tell her to use the word “peoplekind” rather than mankind.

The Canadian Prime Minister was hosting a Q&A session at MacEwan University in Edmonton, when a young woman from the World Mission Society Church of God, a feminist church founded in South Korea, stood to ask a question about volunteering.

The unidentified woman asked Mr Trudeau whether the Canadian government could ease regulations that limit volunteering with religious organisations.

He's even being criticized of mansplaining to her.

Total madness. Sometimes I feel as if we live in a real life multicultural version of that 1990s sci-fi film Demolition Man.


What kind of strange neologism is “peoplekind”? Even my spellcheck rebels against the lunacy.


Out with human in with huperson!

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This is really a failure of the edumachashon systme really. Mankind has nothing to do with gender. The man in mankind is the same as the man in manual labor or the man in foreman or chairman. It literally means ‘hand’ as in “hand labor” or the leading hand for ‘foreman’ or the hand that is at the chair. Mankind means ‘the kind (family or group or type) with hands’ it’s root is in Germanic. Kind as in family or kinder etc. Justin Trudeau is an ill educated fuckwit who should be ashamed of his ignorance and he should keep his ignorant cocksmoker shut until he knows what he’s talking about. For crying out loud, saying peoplekind is the same as saying peoplepeople. What a fucking dropkick.


How does a clown like him get in? Promise to legalize weed and thousands of young people will come out and vote. These liberals will not stop. They will eventually try to change the entire English language. I just finished saying jokingly that the word ‘mankind’ and even ‘huMANity’ will now be considered misogynist. And lo and behold this article came up! Now he’s delaying the date for legalization. And he said nothing about changing the lyrics to the national anthem while he was campaigning. And every single MP rubber stamped it into law for fear of being called old fashioned or a hater. Funny how for over 100 years no one even noticed a problem with the national anthem. Changing ‘thy sons command’ to ‘all of us command’ is going to make the world a happier place. Who knew?


Trudeau is what you get when you allow women to vote. An alarmingly large proportion of women voted for this faggot because he was “cute”.

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You should read the tweets up here, Trudeau was eviscerated and deserved it, yet again.

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Like you ChristianSoldier, i’m in Ontario. Yesterday i went into yahoo.ca and out of the hundreds of posts, i couldn’t find one that liked what this SJW, feminist Cultural Marxist said and lambasted his gov’t for changing the national anthem to keep the feminists happy. I’m praying enough of us will remember all this next election - not that there’s very much out there politically to bring things closer to sanity.



This explains a lot. No wonder he praised Castro as being a ‘great leader’ and an ‘inspiration’. Like Father like son? Look at the eyes and eyebrows and the nose and especially the lips. Same pouty lower lip and thinner upper lip and the shadow below the lower lip. Look at the distance between the upper lip and the nose and the distance between the lower lip and the chin, even though Castro has facial hair you can kind of see it.Sure as hell looks like Fidel more than he does old Pierre, who by the way was a well-known cuckold that let his deranged wife sleep with other men and was rumored to be bi-sexual himself!

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