Jewish Synagogue Reportedly Shot Up in Pittsburgh

I won´t mourn dead jews.

They killed millions of our people and try to exterminate us and our civilization.


@ReinhardHeydrich1 I agree, the (alleged) killing of a dozen jews doesn’t bother me at all. Why should it? But the danger such an event poses for our remaining diminshed freedoms concerns me a great deal.


Gab is suspended!!!


Already happening. Joyent is taking Gab down.


lol- Trump is good for raising the Bolsheviks’ hackles if nothing else


The news that the shooter was anti-Trump took the wind out of their sails. They’ll still beat a dead horse so prepare yourselves for the hundreds of television specials and interviews that will come out the next few weeks. Oh, yeah, and the Holocaust movies will start to air.


Israel’s Chief Rabbi Refuses to Call Pittsburgh Massacre Site a Synagogue Because It’s non-Orthodox

Trump Didn’t Pull the Trigger on Jews in Pittsburgh, but He Certainly Prepped the Shooter

[U.S. Jews’ despair over Pittsburgh shooting is compounded by Trump’s complicity and Netanyahu’s hypo -](http://U.S. Jews’ Despair Over Pittsburgh Atrocity Is Compounded by Trump’s Complicity and Netanyahu’s Hypocrisy)

An insight into the Jewish mind. Trump prepped the shooter?? WTF!!


That Bowers-guy definetely is no maniac. His statements are absolutely right. He was just a little too keen of doing well. He has my sympathy. It’s not easy for a white Nationalist in these days to keep cool and not to start an amok run… Unfortunately this incident will be used now to tighten the laws to shut down the decent Americans… You guys should never let them grab away your guns. That 2nd amandment is a good thing. It’s abolition will never prevent any mass-shooting. It only will make you more defenseless against all the vermin around…


That Haaretz article title is truly insane. The shooter was openly anti-Trump yet the Jew who wrote that article finds a way to blame Trump for the shooting. You can’t square the two.


Now the tribe is asking The President to denounce white nationalism.

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That’s rich, European style Socialists telling anyone they aren’t welcome? They are being expelled even in this decade for no reason. How about adding Pittsburgh to the list?


Also exclusionary and kind of fascist. Extremely hypocritical as with Israel’s immigration laws.


“We have a right to be there, but they threatened us with lynching if we don’t leave,” he added.
The Lev Tahor said it hoped to settle elsewhere in Guatemala.

:rage: leave jew.

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@kroenen I would love to feed that woodchipper a few live niggers, I’ll tell you what. :poop::skull_and_crossbones::+1:

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I changed it, sometimes my psychotic nazism gets the better of me. Maybe I should try yoga or something?

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How do you kill a bunch of preying Jews?