Jewess Ruth Bader Ginsburg Back in the Hospital

How long do these vampires live?

I think jews are demon hybrids that are spoken of in the Abrahamic religious literature…of course its all been removed like reincarnation has because we are not permitted to understand who and what we really are.
We were once warriors…but what we are now is nothing of the such…
Just like the wolf we have become a shell of what we once were.



In the hospital? Where, in the morgue? I’ve been following this one for months and I am certain she has been dead for months. Not one single current picture or video of her, only old ones. We saw what looked a hearse leaving her estate. We saw the concert in her ‘honour’ where all we saw was a picture in a frame and what sure looked like an urn at the front. Was that a funeral? I think this has more to do with the legions of people that recently bombarded the Supreme Court phone lines asking about her whereabouts. After saying ‘she’s alive and well’ now this. I think they are not quite ready to ‘kill her character off yet’. She can be a valuable tool for the deep state dead or alive especially when it comes to prosecuting all the satanic pedophiles out there like Epstein. Remember the media slipped and said she was dead months ago complete with an epitaph and everything.


Never had but want it.


I too, don’t do session beer drinking anymore. When we used to do such we called it a “case study” . Beer makes me feel bloated so when bier testing I drink an 8 oz cup. Wasn’t really impressive nor disgusted by any beers at the fair. My drink is vodka and fruit juice or if it’s cold whisky on ice or over root beer. My absolute favorite bier is Spatzen Oktoberfest. Love IPA’s. Two Brother’s from Illinois would have to be my favorite microbrewery but they have gotten huge since I left Illinois. I never tasted a bad brew from them and I tried most of theirs.

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