Jewess Laura Loomer Heckles James Comey at Book Event

Originally published at: Jewess Laura Loomer Heckles James Comey at Book Event |

I am no fan of Laura Loomer. She’s an ugly Jewess Alt-Lite gatekeeper whose primary purpose is to prevent anybody on the right from talking and learning about the Jewish problem.

She’s back in the news because she went to one of James Comey’s book events and heckled him. I’ll give her some credit for doing this as Comey is a criminal and traitor to America. He should be heckled everywhere he tries to shill his retarded book.

One good deed doesn’t make Loomer any less repulsive though. There’s a reason why her chicanery is promoted and has made occasional mainstream news. That reason is because she is a Jew.


Props to Laura, those brain dead sheep just mill about while Comey sells the big lie.

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That’s one ugly jewess. I notice it’s always the most ugly women who are the most repulsive. And Comey is a tall dude who ran out of Testosterone. Seriously his T levels are so low he is probably one soy latte away from Jenner status.


This is one of those times when the stopped clock is correct.