Jew-Run NYT Pushing for Owen Shroyer to Be Banned Off Twitter

Originally published at: Jew-Run NYT Pushing for Owen Shroyer to Be Banned Off Twitter |

The Jewish New York Times published an article basically demanding that Owen Shroyer of Infowars be banned from Twitter. They complained that he used his verified Twitter account to promote his protest of the Jewish impeachment hoax hearing.

Of course instead of just reporting on Owen Shroyer’s protest at the #ImpeachmentHearing the NT Times is calling for him to be banned from social media!

— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) December 9, 2019

They argue that since Alex Jones and Infowars have been banned off of all major social media sites for discussing Sandy Hook conspiracies, that Shroyer shouldn’t be allowed to have one either. This due to his association with Infowars.

These Jewish propaganda operations are getting more and more insane. They are literally promoting the idea that only they and people who agree with their bullshit lies are allowed to have free political speech on the Internet.


We live in a clown world jew society.

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