Jew Reporter Uses 2014 Photo of Caged Migrant to Attack Trump

Originally published at: Jew Reporter Uses 2014 Photo of Caged Migrant to Attack Trump |

A Jewish CNN reporter named Hadas Gold tried to use a 2014 photo of a caged migrant to attack Donald Trump’s immigration policies. She was forced to delete the tweet after people pointed out that it was not a recent photo.

Here’s the original tweet. She obviously posted it to make people believe that Trump was responsible for stuffing these migrants in a cage.

Her tweet was retweeted all over the place by other Jews giddy to attack Trump. The Jew Jake Silverstein even blamed his family for distracting him as the reason for why he retweeted Gold’s misleading tweet. Yeah sure kike, we believe you! lol

But quite honestly, I had hoped that this was a legitimate tweet. If Trump was putting invading migrants in cages I’d have a higher opinion of his immigration policies. So far, his immigration policies have been disappointing. We don’t have a wall and he’s been stonewalled in Congress by anti-American pieces of shit who hate this country. The only people who don’t support putting invading migrants in cages are retarded leftists. So her tweet was simply a play to that audience.

It’s worth noting that this dishonest Gold bitch was born in Israel. Guess that’s how she got hooked up with her gig at CNN. CNN is the most Jewish of all the Jew-run propaganda outlets. Besides some token minorities and faggots, nearly every major personality you see on there is a kike.

Concluding, I wonder what Gold thinks of Israel’s current immigration policies. After all, she seems to be quite passionate about immigrant rights. Surely gassing and shooting Palestinian immigrants is far worse than putting someone in a cage. But I’m going to take a wild guess and bet that she has one immigration position for the goyim and another stance for the Jews in Israel.


I would hope that the child migrant’s detained under Trump’s administration would be held in worse conditions, maybe chained upside down to the wall a few hours per day until they can be herded on a plane and parachuted over Guatemala.

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As soon as I scrolled down from the top of the page and saw that black haired jewess with that crazy look on her face I knew that lulz would ensue. :six_pointed_star::joy:.

I no longer care if the jews want to vilify Trump or not. He’s their president, not mine.


Toss in a handful of peanuts, they’ll be fine.


I heard a ‘debate’ (more like a love-in) with Nick Fuentes and his new BFF (((Halsey))), where Halsey was defending the over representation of Heebs at CNN and Nick was cheering him on, pretty sad, that crazy-eyed fuck has gotten his kike beak under the tent at last.


The e-celeb world is a total shit show and I’ve mostly ignored it. There might be some people doing videos and things of that sort because they really want to change things… but most of them seem to just be doing it for ego and to be Internet famous.


@infostormer Did you ever party with Brittney Prettyboner and Laura Simonsen in Baked Alaska’s Jacuzzi? I hear all you e-celebs like to hang out together and go to the same clubs on the Sunset Strip.


Ha ha… I’ve had no conversations or interactions with any of those people either online or in real life. But those three people you mentioned seem to be much more focused on pushing their own Internet persona than actually changing things.


I know what you mean, it’s pretty much talkback radio with pictures. I like to listen while I’m working, they have some interesting conversations but it’s very dependent on the quality of the guests.

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