Internet Porn is Causing Young Men to Get Erectile Dysfunction

Originally published at: Internet Porn is Causing Young Men to Get Erectile Dysfunction |

Western civilization is totally fucked. How can one not come to this conclusion upon reading shit like this?


There is an ad campaign adorning the tunnels of the London Underground bearing the slogan “ED IS DEAD” next to a photograph of a wholesome-looking man in his prime. “Don’t worry,” it says in smaller writing beneath. “Ed’s not a guy. It’s a guy thing. It’s short for erectile dysfunction.” The posters are promoting a new brand of sildenafil (most commonly known as Viagra), which we are supposed to think is slaying the problem. But, as it stands, ED is far from dead.

Viagra’s core market used to be older men in poor health, but according to the latest studies and surveys, between 14% and 35% of young men experience ED. “It’s crazy but true,” says Mary Sharpe of the Reward Foundation, an educational charity focusing on love, sex and the internet. “Until 2002, the incidence of men under 40 with ED was around 2-3%. Since 2008, when free-streaming, high-definition porn became so readily available, it has steadily risen.” The evidence, clinical and anecdotal, is mounting that pornography use is a significant factor.

Clare Faulkner, a psychosexual and relationship therapist based in central London, is among those who link ED and pornography use. “I now have ED clients in their early 20s,” she says. Part of the problem with pornography is that it is “a very dissociated experience. Stimulation is coming externally, which can make it very hard to be in your body.” It also perpetuates the myth, she says, that “men are rock hard and women are ready for sex all the time”.

Internet pornography has absolutely become a major health issue. And while I can’t say conclusively that this is the only factor contributing to erectile dysfunction among young men, it has certainly become a big problem. Many young men have become addicted to watching pornography and this is adversely impacting their ability to have normal sexual relationships.

But I have a really hard time understanding how men in their 20s can have erectile dysfunction problems. I’m approaching my middle ages and I’ve never had any such problems. Of course I regularly workout and try to keep myself in good physical shape. Many young men do not keep themselves in good physical shape and eat like shit so this is probably a bigger factor in their erectile dysfunction issues.

Talk about an insane situation. Young men in their 20s should not be having problems getting erections. Only major pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer which sells Viagra pills can be happy about this. What else can I say besides that? This world is totally fucked and when I read stories like this, it is difficult to argue otherwise.


Porn is definitely a problem, another is the pill pushing medical ‘industry’


marijuana also lowers testosterone levels…there is so much out there to harm our people that there is nearly no hope left to salvage the USSA.


Let’s not forget eating chips and McDonald’s and sitting on your ass gaming all day.


cannabis is a bad one, those who say its no addictive is talking crap.



— Al Goldstein, Jewish pornographer

Al Goldstein ( pictured ), the publisher of Screw magazine, had once said “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that CHRIST SUCKS.”


yep…imagine our shock.


some nigger whore was bixnooding at my boss the other day when we travelled to the city(SLC) and she started saying all this feminist nonsense about evil men, and then she started injecting how us whites have put pornography into the royal mind of da blaggmanz and that is why they are not banging black women and there are so many mixed race children.
I kindly explained to her that women have been mind warped by zionist injected feminism and that all females should be judged and valued on their youth and sexual value.
Black women are the ugliest and have the least sexual value , therefor , they must be controlled by the zionist mantra of government created equality.
The real issue with “all men are created equal” verbiage (notice it doesn’t say men/women or men-women hyphens existed back then) is that this is meant to translate to “all people have affordable and equal status under the rule of law”…government has no real authority to tell humanity that we “have the right to life and liberty” or the right to 'pursue happiness" (traditional family , land ownership and wealth) or the “right to defend your property or person”. (own/carry guns and defend yourself/family.)
These are rights given to all of mankind from our creator.
All government is criminal, because it suggests that we need them to decide and enforce this , and we need a ruling class of “authority figures” to give our money to that police our input on these topics when they aren’t up for discussin.
Hitler was right, National Socialism in homogeneous societies free of foreign banking influences are the only way to run governments that are “for the people”…
If anyone thinks muh capitalism is a fair system or isn’t part of a caste/feudalistic society ruled by Hegelian dialectic methodology, then i have a 30 ft high, 2500 mile border wall to sell you.
apologies, i thought i’d blather on…

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