Infostormer Has Been Under a Sustained DDos Attack This Week

Originally published at: Infostormer Has Been Under a Sustained DDos Attack This Week |

I just wanted to let all you readers out there know that this website has been targeted with numerous denial of service attacks throughout the week. There was another round of them just a few hours ago.

There’s obviously a number of people who dislike the content of this site. I have no idea why anyone would dislike the content of this website but apparently there are people who have a problem with the information and analysis that I provide.

Point blank, these people can fuck off.

This website is provided as a public service because there are few if any media outlets anywhere on the Internet or otherwise that tell the full truth of what is going on in the world.

If my analysis is wrong, these people should publish their own site and logically explain why it is that I am wrong. I’ve been doing this for several years and nobody has been able to do that. All they do is say that I am a mean hateful person.

It’s also worth noting that this is not a major website. The site averages maybe around 5,000 to 10,000 unique visitors a day. On a rare occasion, if there’s a popular article, that number can go up to 20,000 or 30,000 unique visitors a day.

But ask yourself why anybody would find a cat photo blog that gets limited amounts of traffic to be so threatening?

I’m only bringing this up to illustrate how it is becoming increasingly difficult for real political dissidents to maintain any sort of presence on the Internet. Even if you are operating a small blog site like this. We have all sorts of forces trying to shut us down.

And why is this happening? Because some people can’t stand the truth and want all truth banished off the Internet.


Keep up the good work, Lee. God bless you!


Thanks for all you do, Lee! Love the site.


Unlike all other crappy kike websites this one is actually supported by real people who care about this really: don’t give up, our time will come and until then we have to gather support and not give up.


Thanks for all the support.

The attacks are getting even more aggressive. Looks like the Daily Stormer normie web site is down. My guess is that the same people attacking me are attacking DS as well.


I wonder (((who))) is behind these attempts to shut down free speech. Could it be the Russians? The Arabs? The Chinese? The Indians? The Japanese?


Thanks for the fantastic work you do, Lee! This site has been a sanity saver for me! :ok_hand:


They can’t.

Like Holocaust truth tellers, all they can do is use the courts to squelch, threaten and destroy anyone who questions (((their))) false narrative.

Keep up the good work, you are doing a yeoman’s job spreading the truth, which will, eventually (and as it did in the old Soviet Union) prevail.

Unfortunately, you and (we) are facing an (((enemy))) who knows no sense of logic, rational thought, fair play, justice - only death and destruction to implement their evil agenda of Communism and world domination.

Up to 100 million White Christian Russian souls were starved, tortured, shot and executed to uphold (((their))) agenda - women, men, little children, elderly, handicapped - anyone who stood in their way, and many times those who didn’t - before the entire House of Cards imploded in on itself, as these packs of lies always do.

This will happen to use as well; non-Whites are being imported by the millions to do this job - to be used as bio-weapons against Whites - and to start the killing as soon as ZOG gives the word.

This is what is happening to Whites as I write this in South Africa. And will happen to us when our numbers shift and we are a minority in the country we founded and built.

Sounding the alarm as to what awaits us if we do nothing is heroic; those preventing you from doing this are the very definition of evil.


Most likely.

Anglin wanted the DS moved off the normie web and onto Tor.

Maybe you should do the same with Infostormer?

I personally prefer Tor + a VPN that doesn’t keep lists. It’s much safer for us that way.

It’s on my list of things to do. I put up a post a few months back about setting up a tor function. The problem I’ve had is finding the time to do it and sort out how to do it properly.

Certainly doesn’t help when you have to deal with ddos attacks, phony abuse complaints from jews etc… just to maintain an online presence.


You really ought to lay off the kittens. I think that’s what’s pushing them over the edge.


You could be right on that front.

But it just means more kitten photos not less kitten photos.