Fully Vaxxed Negro War Criminal Colin Powell is Fully Dead

Originally published at: Fully Vaxxed Negro War Criminal Colin Powell is Fully Dead | Infostormer.com

We finally have some good news to report. The fully vaxxed Negro war criminal Colin Powell is fully dead. They are saying he died from the coronavirus, despite him being vaxxed.

JUST IN – Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell is dead. He died at the age of 84. According to his family, he died of #COVID19 despite being vaccinated twice. pic.twitter.com/cu75Ai0Z6P

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) October 18, 2021

"He was fully vaccinated. We want to thank the medical staff at Walter Reed National Medical Center for their caring treatment," Powell's family said.

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) October 18, 2021

This is another case showing that the vaxx is neither safe nor effective. If the vaxx was safe and effective, Powell would not have died from the coronavirus.

I get that Powell was 84 and it is not uncommon for people in their 80s to die, but they are saying that he specifically died from the coronavirus despite being vaxxed.

It’s going to be more and more difficult for the media to shame people into taking the vaxx when we see case after case of these death shots not doing a damn thing other than making people sick if not killing them. It’s also very possible that the shot itself is what killed Powell.

Whatever the case, Powell was a terrible piece of shit. He told America that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and that he was planning to attack the country. These were all lies which led to untold amounts of misery, death and destruction.

So it is good that this evil war criminal is dead. I have no doubt that he is in hell as we speak.


Bonus points for the pic of him flashing the White power sign


I remember years ago Rush talking about what a loser this guy was - he didn’t understand military tactics at all - even though he was a four-star general.

Rush said that Colin Powell drew up invasion plans for (IIRC) “Desert Storm” - and when General Schwarzkopf saw them, he said there was no way he could implement such a stupid, ridiculous plan b/c it wouldn’t work.

He was promoted only b/c of Affirmative Action.

That’s what his headstone should read.


Absolutely. Him and Condi Rice were the token Negroes of the “W” regime. The only reason they landed those positions was because of their race. The jews made Powell the front man of the Iraq WMD hoax to shield them from criticism…


And by Republican presidents: Reagan, Bush Sr., & Bush Jr. Who do you suppose he endorsed in the 2008 presidential election after campaigning as a Republican in 2000?

Yeah, that’s right.

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From the British press this mornning:

‘Hope that happens to me someday’: Trump slams ‘fake news’ for treating Colin Powell’s death ‘beautifully’ even though he was a ‘classic RINO who attacked Republicans and made plenty of mistakes on Iraq and ‘‘so-called’’ WMDS’

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               Statement by President Donald J. Trump, 
                 45th President of The United States


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I am guessing this is a mostly lie, I think perhaps he died mostly of rectal cancer or something embarassing so his family decided to lie…
Anal cancer is very common cause of death for black men.
Quick internet search: “Powell had multiple myeloma, a blood cancer, that was in remission and early stage Parkinson’s disease, said a close friend who asked not to be named.”
So yeah we know that these Covid death numbers are all fake and if they had Covid it’s always listed as the reason when elderly die, when it has little to nothing to do with it in reality.
Fake News Jews keep on Hoaxin’ though


Most accurate headline of the day!


Thanks, I strive to be as accurate with my reporting as possible.


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