Europeans FINALLY Coming to Their Senses

it seems like it’s taking them forever to oppose the jew-globalist agenda to destroy their white cultures and heritage but FINALLY The Europeans are waking-up and smelling the coffee. The terrible ‘racist’ Salvini is winning in beloved Italy, the hub of white superiority. he specifically campaigned against “the elites” who (as we all know) are Jews and their paid-off white henchmen.

Merkel, the hormonless, traitorous dyke is losing ground in Germany. don’t you just love these nasty old muscleless “leaders” making fists during their speeches to prove how badass they are…

and Farage in England is on a winning streak!

it’s not enough though to just stop importing savages to Europe. ALL INVADERS MUST BE SENT BACK TO THEIR COLLECTIVE SHIT-HOLES and the planners, cohorts and backers of the plan to destroy Europe must be hunted-down and executed.

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Salvini is truly a great man. We need many more such.

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