Ebola Spreads to Major City in the Congo

Originally published at: Ebola Spreads to Major City in the Congo | Infostormer.com

The ebola virus has spread to a city in the Congo with two million people.


The deadly Ebola outbreak in Congo is now an international health emergency, the World Health Organization announced Wednesday after a case was confirmed in a city of 2 million people .

A WHO expert committee declined on three previous occasions to advise the United Nations health agency to make the declaration for this outbreak, even though other experts say it has long met the required conditions. More than 1,600 people have died since August in the second-deadliest Ebola outbreak in history, which is unfolding in a region described as a war zone.

A declaration of a global health emergency often brings greater international attention and aid, along with concerns that nervous governments might overreact with border closures.

The declaration comes days after a single case was confirmed in Goma, a major regional crossroads in northeastern Congo on the Rwandan border, with an international airport. Also, a sick Congolese fish trader traveled to Uganda and back while symptomatic — and later died of Ebola.

Ebola in my view appears to be nature’s way of controlling the nigger population which has gotten totally out of control. The entire continent of Africa should be quarantined while we let ebola do its magic. Because if their population is not controlled, they’ll flood into White countries and destroy them.

Long story short, if millions of these jungle niggers die of the ebola virus, it would be a net benefit to the world. If you disagree, I’d love to hear a logical explanation as to why you think that way.


I would go much further and mandate no more food, vaccines, and medicine to Africa. Let nature take its course.


"Niggers are a failed evolutionary offshoot of the bonobo. If not for constant interference from white do-gooders niggers would have been extinct by now. This ooga-booga disease is not transmissable to humans, it’s simply Nature’s attempt to control the surplus nigger population. "

  • Dr. Patel Bindi-Gupta, MD and ice cream vendor



I love Ebola Chan! She is doing the job that others refuse to do, and that is to keep the nigger population in check. They should have been eliminated entirely when Africa was first colonized by the glorious Whites. Imagine, just a few hundred years ago and these worthless baboons hadn’t even discovered the wheel yet. Now they are spread far and wide throughout the globe infesting and destroying nations.


funny that the global warmers aren’t panicking about the Africa Nigger population explosion which is THE greatest threat to not just our environment but to the amazing african wildlife. Elephants have been reduced by 90%. lions hold only 20% of their former lands… the niggers are now poaching the last remaining rhinos to sell the “magic” horn to chink niggers for medicine and muslim scum for knife handles.

but i’m hoping that the congo niggers who are being imported to The West bring their Ebola with them. i’d LOVE to see the rich yups of San Fran and LA die from this disease.


All cultures are the exact same, even ones where fucking monkeys or poo’ing in the streets is common.
Only a racist white supremacist knotzeewhowantstokill6trillionjews would say otherwise.


That is all that has ever needed to be “done” for any of these parasite races.
We do need a border wall, but if we didn’t have a gubmint that catered to white genocide all we really would’ve needed to do about 40 yrs ago would have been exactly nothing, as you have said.
No schooling, no medicine , no free food, no free sympathy…nothing.
They can get exactly what you’d get if you illegally entered their nation.
Which would be jailed, beaten , raped, starved, tortured and kept in the most disgustingly filthy building that your mind could fathom for an undetermined number of years.
Andrew Tahmooressi comes to mind…


Just if it was more over the top. 1600 isn’t shit 1.6 million would be way better.


We don’t need a wall. They come because of our fucked-up “asylum” laws which are being exploited with the help of Jew attorneys who coach the brownies.


Wonderful news YIPPEE

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