Do you guys know about Handsome Truth?

GDL United: Why I Joined the GDL


HT: “You’re not Jewish, right?”
GDL United: “I do not think so… No, no”
(10:04 minute point)

Patrick Little’s videos are often censored on YouTube, or shut down completely, but he is still uploading new stuff to his BitChute channel.

Patrick Little on BitChute

Patrick Little on Gab

IDF Captain Dan Gordon Confronted by the GDL

Oppose HR5141 Aid to Israel

HT … A Few Years Ago


HT … Announcing Retirement
(See Chat Replay)

We just had a natural disaster, you azzholes!

Lucky Larry Silverstein is Back

Ultimate 911 Predictive Programming / Jewish Lightning

BACK TO THE FUTURE predicts 9/11


The Jewish Fantasy Structure That Devoured Western Culture

Magician Blackstone and the Creation/Destruction of Zionism

Christopher Bollyn Explains Who REALLY Did 9/11