DNC Head Declares Ocasio-Cortez the Future of the Party

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/dnc-head-declares-ocasio-cortez-the-future-of-the-party/

The Democrat party is going full-Commie. There is no doubt about it. Even the leader of the Democrat National Committee Tom Perez is saying so. He stated in an interview that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represents the future of the party.

So let’s take a look at some of her political positions that one can read on her campaign website.

  • Abolish the Second Amendment
  • Abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement
  • Support for LGBTQP rights
  • Support for feminism
  • Housing as a human right
  • Wasting money on the climate change hoax.
  • Jobs for everyone
She obviously has not given any thought on how any of this nonsense could be implemented. It just feels good to say this shit. But basically what she is pushing for is straight out Communist doctrine.

There is a silver lining to this though. She’s anti-Israel and against Wall Street Jews. So as the Democrat party moves further and further in her direction, they are going to become less and less viable nationally. The average American is going to look at them like they’ve gone mad. At the same time, they’ll be making all sorts of noise against Israel and Wall Street.

We definitely want the Democrat party to move this way. It is only going to rapidly transform the Republican party into the party of the White American. And this has already been happening in a big way since Trump won the presidency.


I love how the left and right are becoming radicalized, with the political establishment hacks becoming less and less relevant. Trump is not going to be Unser Fuhrer but it looks as if he is definitely helping to move events in the right direction!



Perhaps those Wall Street Jews could pay for all the special programs on her agenda.


At the risk of sounding didactic we must make a distinction between democratic socialism (bad) and National Socialism (wicked awesome).


She looks like a hungry cannibal – wow!


If she’s the future of the Democratic Party, then this is the future of America if the Democrats rule.



You’re right.

Versus this:

I know the difference.
Mammonism is the illness of our age.

I can provide you with a PDF version of either of these books if needed.

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Heaven help us!


Mammonism and Bolshevism are Jewish stepsisters… Progressives, Libertardians, and Cuckservatives all want a theocracy with it’s own “epistemology,” from the either London Jew Karl Marx or Russian Jew Ayn Rand, who were both progenitors of the godless open borders multiculturalism plaguing the West today.… We can’t afford healthcare for white American children because we need to bomb someone else’s for the love of Jesus and Israel.


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@Clarence_Spangle Welcome Clancy.


Here is fictional dialogue we should consider…

“The Jewish people have said that Hollywood is theirs. Can any of you deny that they are the masters of Hollywood, where sex, lesbianism, homosexuality and violence are promoted?”―Louis Farrakhan

“Was there any form of filth or shamelessness, particularly in cultural life, without at least one Jew involved in it? If you cut even cautiously into such an abcess, you found—like a maggot in a rotting body often dazzled by the sudden light—a little Jew.”―Mein Kampf

“I believe that for the small numbers of Jewish people in the United States, they exercise a tremendous amount of influence on the affairs of government…Yes, they exercise extraordinary control, and black people will never be free in this country until they are free of that kind of control.”—Louis Farrakhan

卐 “The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to become master of the same; he will remain master as long as he does not fall victim to defilement of the blood.”–Mein Kampf 卐

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You mention Farrakhan, intriguing.
He does address the JQ and is a religious isolationist that is preaching the truth about the satanic Jews.
So that’s good. …I do like his speeches.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


There are only three Belgians that I like and only two of them are real people: SS General DeGrelle, Ursula Andress and Dr. Evil.


The first Bond girl was hubba hubba back in the day.

Dr. Evil has recently questioned the error of his ways and has made a new beginning.


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It was interesting (to say the least) witnessing the recent brain farts by the jewsmedia and cuckservative blogosphere concerning Farrakhan refusing to disavow Trump and Joy Reid’s supposed “anti-semitic” opposition to the chosen parasites of the Jewish state…

They do have a point, and I didn’t mind saying so… so I was banned at almost every forum (prickgressive, libertardian, and cuckservative ) that uses the Disqus comment system.

I just love how the cuckservatives complain about censorship by Kikebook, JouTube, Joogle, and Twitter, but are the first to flag people’s comments and ban you for what they don’t want to hear.

People like atheist Jordan Peterson and never-Trumper-kyke Ben Shapiro are just controlled opposition… the kikesuckers who slobber all over them won’t win elections with squishy moderates like Romney (Mormonism is a weird Zionist cult) or win with blatant commie trolls like McCain.

Looks like they might actually lose their hold on Europe… people are waking up.

PJ Media is an anti-American Israel first commie troll rag… their recent article, “Germany’s ‘Alternative’ Party is Toxic and Dangerous” by (((David P. Goldman))) shows you how anti-Trump and anti-white they really are…

Go see it for yourself.

Challenging Jeffries would open an audacious new front in Ocasio-Cortez’s efforts to steer the direction of the Democratic Party, pitting her and allies against a rising-star African-American Democrat seen by some as a potential future speaker of the House.

ya know, i actually like, Farrakhan. there’s no comparison between him and that little white-hating runt, Elijah Muhammad.