CNN's Chris Cuomo Claims Anti-Fascist Violence is Justified

Originally published at: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Claims Anti-Fascist Violence is Justified |

The Jewish propaganda enterprise known as CNN allows a number of mentally unstable individuals on their network. Among them is Chris Cuomo. This deranged nutcase claimed on national television that anti-fascist violence is justified. He says that it is justified because they claim to be against hate.

This dumb fuck doesn’t quite get that you can’t say that you are against hate if you are violently attacking people you disagree with. This is the very definition of hate.

Anti-fascist groups are domestic terrorist organizations. They’ve violently attacked Trump supporters and various right-wing groups over political disagreements. They are the most hateful groups anywhere in the country.

His brother Andrew who is New York’s governor made stupid comments recently as well. He claimed that America was never great because we don’t have enough feminism and equality.

The Cuomo brothers are completely fucking insane and should be stuffed in mental institutions. They are of unsound mind and need help.


CNN Host wears a shirt from Fidel Castro, says “Communism makes everyone equal”


While covering Obama’s visit to Cuba, I remember this DipShit bragging that the shirt he was wearing was a gift from Castro to his father…


“The Cuomo brothers are completely fucking insane and should be stuffed in mental institutions.”

A nice hemp rope, a tall tree and a sturdy branch will cure their mental inflictions


Funny how the Cuomos and their ilk are supposed to support tolerance and “inclusiveness”.


The Brothers Cuomo would do absolutely anything to remain relevant, trendy and popular. If they possessed souls, they would sell them to the Devil.


At the very least, they and their offspring should be sterilized, if we are not going to have Viking-style tribal warfare, there needs to be a mechanism in place to keep creatures like this out of the gene pool,


The Cuomos come across as crypto-kikes even though they claim to be dagos