Climate Hoaxers Dump Red Powder on US Constitution

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A few days ago, a couple of climate hoax people decided to dump red powder on the case holding the United States Constitution. They did this to protest weather changes that they believe will lead to imminent doom. This resulted in a confrontation between them and a group of weak low IQ black security guards who eventually detained them.

Just now: the Rotunda of the National Archives in Washington DC was evacuated after two climate activists dumped red powder on themselves and the case holding the United States Constitution.

Both were arrested in minutes.

— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) February 14, 2024

It is comical that we have such a group of pathetic blacks guarding the US Constitution. It just shows the absolute state of disarray America is in.

Either way, these climate hoax people are the most obnoxious retards imaginable. They literally believe that fossil fuel emissions and cow farts are warming the planet to the point where everybody will go extinct. They believe this despite these climate hoax predictions being wrong over and over again.

Climate change is one of the dumbest and longest running hoaxes of the modern era. Anybody who believes that it is real is a moron incapable of any sort of critical thought.


The Global Warming hoax is so obvious that they had to change the name to, “climate change” because their predictions about all the melted glaciers and sea-level rise never happened.

The sign at Glacier National Park explaining that the glacier was going to be soon melted has been taken down because The Glacier has grown in size. lol…

Again: CO2 is .04% of our atmosphere and humans account for a small percentage of that and America a much smaller percentage. even if America went zero carbon emissions it won’t do diddly squat to lower worldwide CO2 emissions.

Mass starvation and mass injections is the only way to depopulate billions of useless eater humans. What they’re trying to do is create a plant food crisis. By starving food plants of CO2 it will create a food shortage to starve humanity. I don’t know if this is even possible but they’ll try.


What a stupid thing to do. Behavior such as this does nothing to further their already ridiculous cause.


The “climate” change retards are the biggest hypocrites around. For a people that supposedly care about the earth, they leave a mess everywhere they go.


Most of these climate change idiots have no idea plants and trees thrive on CO2 and give off O2.


coral reefs too. the ocean sucks up the carbon like a sponge.


The world would have a LOT more to fear from another ice age than it would if the earth warmed up. During the Mesozoic Era (250mya to 66mya) the world was much warmer than it is now and had a lot more CO2 in the atmosphere. The result was a lush tropical planet full of giant reptiles, trees, plants, marine life and insects.


yes… stupid humans have built their major cities on the coastlines thinking that it’s going to stay this way forever when the geologic record proves that warming and cooling are normal cycles of our planet.

I agree that global cooling would cause a lot more problems for humans that global warming.


Pretty sure the planet is going to continue to run the climate as it has for the last 100 billion years, and there isn’t anything these climate retards are going to do about it, especially these two morons throwing powder on a concrete box.

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