Black Friday Alabama Mall Shooter Still on the Loose!

Originally published at: Black Friday Alabama Mall Shooter Still on the Loose! |

There was more black on black violence at an Alabama mall just as all this Black Friday chaos was supposed to kick off.

Police thought they shot the black who first started the shooting but now believe that they shot the wrong black.

An easy mistake to make since they all look alike.

But the larger question is why we do we have to deal with all this African tribal warfare nonsense in our own country? They have a country of their own called Liberia in Africa where they can all live in peace and harmony.


when the cops see a jigaboo with a gun, they shoot. lol… but there is a serious problem with the way cops are trained. in Europe we have all seen the videos of cops looking like fools for NOT shooting an armed savage. they put themselves at great risk… here in Uh-merka, cops are trained that if they see a gun, they can shoot and in this day and age of concealed carry, that’s insane. they shot one guy in the back who was holding a home invader at gunpoint despite the fact that they told 911 the situation.

to make matter worse, when the “weak link” cowardly cop starts shooting, THEY ALL START SHOOTING. this way they protect the first cop from any prosecution. this was highlighted in a cop shooting where one dumbass cop jumped on the hood of a car and just opened fire on two kids, killing them both. it was totally unnecessary and the cop went on trial but the judge let him go because it was not clear which cop bullet killed the “suspects”. conversely, (for example) if three people are robbing a bank and one of them shoots a teller dead, they are all charged with capital murder. funny how the law works…


@kittenstormer if you put some history out about african nations like commander wallace did a few months ago we would all appreciate it. Even linking a (((scrubbed))) wiki page would be alright. I think it is important to sight your sources. Not that you don’t.

I agree and I try to that when pertinent. I’d be much more detailed if I could do this full time. Alas the Jews have made it almost impossible for anyone to make a living doing this shit.

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Niggas don’t want equal rights- they want special rights so they can kill YT easier!!!

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