Bill Gates Claims Fake Meat Products Will Soon Be Very Good

Originally published at: Bill Gates Claims Fake Meat Products Will Soon Be Very Good |

Hey Bill, you can go fuck yourself with your fake meat dude.

Bill Gates says fake meat products will 'eventually' be 'very good'

— New York Post (@nypost) January 16, 2023

I don’t care if your fake meat will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I like greenhouse gas emissions and I want to see more greenhouse gas emissions.

Bill Gates says consuming meat alternatives is an important step in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

— FOX 10 Phoenix (@FOX10Phoenix) January 16, 2023

You also just told us that we needed to take a fake vaccine shot that is currently killing millions of people over a pandemic that you hoaxed. This after you repeatedly advocated for reducing the world’s population because you are hateful asshole who is being guided by satanic demons. So no, I don’t believe for a second that your shitty ass fake lab grown meat will be good let alone very good. For all we know the fake meat will be created in such a way to kill people or give them a really bad case of the shits.

You also gave us some really horrible computer operating systems that you have yet to apologize for. I’m still mad at about Windows Millennium Edition which was one of the most god awful computer operating systems ever made.

Whatever the case, I’m not the only one who shares this view on your fake meat products. Your fake meat company’s stock price is in the toilet.


If the fake meat is so great, why aren’t your friends at the World Economic Forum eating it? Answer that one Bill.


fuck that jew

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Bill Gates is lobbying to have the vaccine put in food supplies to reach the “anti-vaxxers”

Hopefully one day soon, these people are made to pay for their crimes against humanity but as long as you have the two-party Monte, nothing will change.

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I have no sympathy for the meat munching hoards. the evil animal slaughter industry is run by Jews and fueled by dumb redneck animal abusers who’ve already genocided all of the main predators around the world. If it’s not a cow they shoot it. I lived among rancher filth for 25 years. they are S H I T. I stopped eating cows decades ago when rancher filth accidentally poisoned all of the cows in Michigan with fire retardant PCB’s which was mixed with cow feed. When the ranchers realized that their cows were sick, they sent them to slaughter before they died. Governor Milikan said: don’t worry… “most of the meat is sent out of state anyway”. So if you think that eating cows, chickens and pigs is some sort of macho conservative right, you’re going to macho yourself into a terminal cancer diagnosis. the best thing that anyone can do for themselves and our animal cousins is to STOP EATING MEAT.

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