Anti-Trump Lincoln Project Was Co-Founded by a Sick Faggot

Originally published at: Anti-Trump Lincoln Project Was Co-Founded by a Sick Faggot |

So John Weaver the co-founder of the anti-Trump Lincoln Project has been exposed as a sick faggot who sexually harassed young men.

There is only one problem with this story about John Weaver. Members of the Lincoln Project absolutely knew about his predatory behavior

— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) January 31, 2021

I am not surprised by this at all.

I think many of these RINO shills are closeted homosexuals and in many cases pedophiles. This type of thing has been going on for awhile with the Republican Party. It is nothing new if you look at the history.



Lincoln is an ideal model for them.


Rush was talking about this yesterday on his show - playing clips of prominent Lincoln Project members who were ALL trying to distance themselves from this pedophile claiming “they didn’t know him or didn’t know him well.”

The media are already done with this story because it upsets and twists The Narrative. They support pedophilia and anyone who hates Trump.

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