98% Say Jews Should be Banned From WHITE Christian Nations

Originally published at: 98% Say Jews Should be Banned From WHITE Christian Nations | Infostormer.com

A poll conducted by this writer revealed that 98 percent of people believe that Jews should be banned from WHITE Christian nations. Only two percent believed that Jews shouldn’t be banned.

Since Jews represent two percent of America’s population, the two percent that didn’t want Jews banned were most likely Jews themselves. So the real poll result is 100 percent who want Jews banned and 0 percent who don’t want Jews banned.

Based on the results of this poll, I believe it is time for the United States government to begin arresting Jews and removing them from the country. If this does not happen, it proves that our alleged system of democracy is a sham and is subverted by the Jews themselves.



Throw them out! :smiley_cat:


Happy birthday to Adolf Hitler! We shall overcome the kikes!!


Kicked out of 109 countries, lets make it 110 !


An excellent book to read: Synagogue Rising by Hugh Akins. Learn about all the jews misdeeds.

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