95 Percent of Americans Believe the Media is Full of Shit

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/95-percent-of-americans-believe-the-media-is-full-of-shit/

95 percent of Americans are “troubled” by the state of the media. In other words, they don’t believe anything the media tells them.

The Wrap:

Nearly all Americans are “troubled” by the state of the media, according to a new study from boutique PR agency, Bospar, in collaboration with Propeller Insights.

The survey of 1,010 American adults found that more than 95% are troubled by the current state of media, with 53% citing “reports on fake news,” 49% citing “reporting gossip,” and 48% citing “lying spokespeople,” as the key causes.

Other factors ranging from “celebrity opinions” to left- and right-wing agendas to the possible reporting of “blind items” in the news also spark concern.

If the corporate media was actually doing its job, nobody would need to read a site like this. But since the media is run by Jews whose job is to put out disinformation and lies to fool the gullible goyim, it explains why people have had it with these fools. And this is why the Jewish media is calling for everybody to be banned off the Internet. They want to put their competitors out of business.

The media really screwed the pooch with how they covered the 2016 presidential campaign and further damaged themselves with promoting Russiagate hoax conspiracy theories. So the results of this poll are not the least bit surprising.

Quite frankly, that 95 percent number should be 100 percent because I don’t know how any normal person can objectively look at the current state of the media and believe that they are ethical by any stretch of the imagination.


“Journalism” today is just political activism. I think this is the heart of the issue. I think they could spin off all opinion content (ie: editorials) into a seperate newspaper/website/TV show, and this might give them a chance to redeem some of that credibility. But then, there would have to be an objective measure in which something is deemed factual, as lines often blur, and we know organizations like the ADL and SPLC aren’t going to let that happen.



@Pelican more of this less of your shitty music selection.

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These are some good news, as the media actually is full of shit. At least the Americans are waking up.
It’s the same with the media in Germany. But here most of the people are used to rely on the media, and too many still rely on it and still believe the obvious daily blast of propaganda bullshit shoved down on them. The constant brainwashing and misdirection of the people by the mainstream media is one of the main causes for the fatal situation Germany is in today. The majority of the german people are too busy with their jobs and everyday life. They merely get some brief information in the daily prime time news and apart from that they don’t bother much about recent politics and other stuff. They are doing their jobs correctly and so they expect the media people would do their jobs correctly too. They just can’t imagine that the nice well dressed TV news uncle might lie to them, or tries to influence them, or tries to steer them in a certain political direction.


I don’t call them “journalists” because they’re not.

I call them political assassins.


Ja. I agree. This term fits much better.

