37 Percent Found Jew Michael Cohen's Testimony Believable

Originally published at: 37 Percent Found Jew Michael Cohen’s Testimony Believable | Infostormer.com

Looks like we have a problem with anti-Semitism in America. Only 37 percent of people polled viewed the Congressional testimony of the Jew Michael Cohen to be believable. Since it is anti-Semitic to say that a Jew would lie, 63 percent of those polled are anti-Semites.

The Hill:

Less than half of those surveyed in a new poll found Michael Cohen’s public testimony to Congress credible.

While more respondents said they found Cohen’s testimony to be credible than those who said it was not, the overall results suggest the high-profile appearance by President Trump’s former personal attorney is unlikely to be a political game-changer.

Thirty-seven percent of registered voters contacted Feb. 28 and March 1 for The Hill-HarrisX poll said they found Cohen’s testimony credible, compared to 25 percent who said they did not find him credible.

Thirty-nine percent said they had not yet formed an opinion of Cohen’s testimony.

Democrats were much more likely to believe Cohen, with 58 saying they found his testimony credible and just 11 percent saying they did not find him credible.

Republicans were much less likely to find Cohen credible, though less than half — 48 percent — said they found his testimony was not believable.

Remember, it is an act of anti-Semitic hate to ever say that a Jew would lie. These are God’s chosen people we are talking about and God’s chosen people would never lie.


Good news.
To report more about this news, we need to remember that the Talmud Jews’ self-righteous tricks that have happened and are now should be written into the white history books to keep the whites in mind.
The president and politicians and judges basically work in the Jewish secret system.
Today, Shakespeare comes to our society and he may become a journalist.
The Englishman is an immigrant country and is not composed of Nordic people. It is actually a mixture. Especially when Cromwell appeared, both Protestantism and the Freemasonry appeared together. The political power of the Jews is very strong in English, with almost no restrictions.
In the United States, there used to be a Whig party, controlled by the Scottish Bankers Group. People may not know that the Scottish bankers’ group at the time did not completely control the United States. The bank’s shareholders happened to be Rothschild, although he was not the largest shareholder.
An important feature of the United States is that it has an advanced economy and its disadvantage is a very low public morality. This creates an absolutely perfect parasitic body for Jewish parasitic capital. An uncultivated soil.
From the emergence of the Whigs to the Democratic and Republican parties today, from the First Republic, the Second Republic to the American federal system yesterday. The establishment of the Jewish Bank of the Federal Reserve and the IRS Jewish armed financial group and several world wars, the strong toxicity of the Jewish virus has been strengthened and the perfect parasitic permanent control of the body and brain state of the parasite.
When Shakespeare was alive, their power in the UK was already very large. The United States is not a national system. The first batch of English residents in the early days were criminals with neither moral nor rational attitudes. Other immigrants were no better than this. If they are Aryans or people like Edgar Casey, Jews cannot be parasitic here.
They not only control media newspaper advertisements, but even your spare time arranges them to intervene and destroy. The various anti-Christian ideas around us appear around us, the body of your family becomes their living experiment, and even the chips we make are ready.
The only solution that can be done is to uncover them and thoroughly uncover their embarrassing conspiracy and their presence around us. Everyone with whom they are connected should be fully revealed so that every white person can understand What has happened in the past has been freed from their media control and has fled the Talmud (Babylon).
Experienced the Federal Republic of the United States from the First Republic to yesterday, the next one you want to live with your family there?
The son of Paul Warburg, the banker James Warburg, said: “We should build a world government, whether people like it or not. The only question is whether the world government is through (peaceful) consensus or (force) Conquer to produce.”

Jewish mathematics
Image result for jewish math

imagine being so deluded and indoctrinated that you think a people whose motto is to create violence and wars via “deception” are “Gods chosen people”…

those same 37% also think that there is nothing fucked-up about Cohen’s face.