150+ Nations Sign on to Insane Global Migration Pact

Originally published at: 150+ Nations Sign on to Insane Global Migration Pact | Infostormer.com

Over 150 nations have signed on to a so-called non-binding global migration pact which is designed to promote the ability of low IQ savages to flood into White nations. That’s all this is.


A majority of UN states adopted on Monday a non-binding global pact to better handle migrant flows, Morocco’s foreign minister said, though fewer governments joined than had previously worked on the proposal.

Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita announced the decision as host of the UN conference in Marrakesh. There was no formal vote.

In July, all 193 UN members except the United States finalized the so-called Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration to better handle migration.

Since then, the text has come under fire from mostly right-wing European politicians, who say it could increase immigration from African and Arab countries. At least six European Union members — mostly in formerly Communist Eastern Europe — have shunned the accord.

It was not immediately clear how many countries were in Marrakesh. The UN had put the number of governments registered late on Sunday at more than 150.

The agreement literally talks about migration being some type of human right. In other words, it is saying that it is the right of any random poor person in the third world to migrate to a richer country. The nations that signed this are effectively promoting the genocide of White people in their own lands. I do not care if they say that this is a non-binding agreement or not. It is designed to set a precedent so more extreme measures can be carried out in the future.

And guess which country didn’t sign it?

This is a terrible deal. If it was a good thing, you can be assured that Israel would have signed on to it. The fact that they didn’t says it all.


In unison with this compact is all the climate change bullshit:


the jews behind this insanity are taking advantage of democratic weakness which give savages the same rights as civilized whites. i wish that the founders of America could see this…




This insane pact may have sealed the end of Europe as we knew it. Now all dams are broken, and a new even bigger flood of primitive hostile shithole people will flow in. And they will turn all things of beauty into shit :frowning:
Of course our shitty government couldn’t wait to sign this disastrous suicide pact. The admission of all those millions of fake refugees in 2015 until now was against all German and European laws. Not a single one of them had the right to come in here! It was definitely a criminal act and high treason!!
Germany was and is ruled by a bunch of insane reckless bloody criminals and traitors!!! :rage::rage:
And the signing of this pact offered them the opportunity to legalize all their crimes afterwards!!!
But they will not get away with that!! They all will get what they deserve. About 20% of us are still aware of them. The old spirit is still alive in us and we will fetch the ropes for them…


“designed to promote the ability of low IQ savages to flood into White nations”…not surprisingly, Prime Minion Trudeau, the globalist friend of G. Soros signed it. Then he had the nerve to say Canadians should be proud he signed it. What does he think of the several countries who didn’t sign it? What does he say i wonder about Israel not signing it. Trudeau is the number one jerk of western countries.


Women voted massively for him ‘because he was cute’.


Similarly, the 21st century is witnessing the Scramble for America and Europe as technological innovations boost the population of the Third World and also make migration easier. In particular, the recent spread of the smartphone has emboldened the young men of the Global South to set forth on the adventure of a lifetime crossing the Mediterranean, with the payoff in mind of the most famously beautiful women in the world awaiting them on the northern shore.


Of course, if African fertility control doesn’t happen, and soon, much of this vast population will, if allowed, leave Africa. The disruptions caused to Northern cities such as Detroit in the second half of the 20th century by the Great Migration of 7 million rural Southern African-Americans offers an eye-opening preview of the effects of what promises to be a Greater Migration two orders of magnitude larger.

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Proof that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote.