Google Says That California Republicans Are Nazis

Originally published at: Google Says That California Republicans Are Nazis |

The evil Jew-run enterprise known as Google is claiming that “Nazism” is a key part of what California Republicans stand for.

Vice News:

Less than one week before the California primary, Google listed “Nazism” as the ideology of the California Republican Party.

In the “knowledge panel” that provides easy access to information next to search results, Google listed “Nazism” as an “ideology” of the party. The word “Nazism” was hyperlinked to a secondary page that shows “Nazism” alongside other “ideologies” of California Republicans like “Conservatism,” "Market liberalism,” “Fiscal conservatism,” and “Green conservatism."

California voters have been casting their absentee ballots for weeks ahead of the next Tuesday’s statewide primary elections which will help determine the majority in the House of Representative and the potential next Governor of the world’s fifth largest economy.

But voters looking for information by searching “California Republicans” or “California Republican Party” were getting “Nazism” next to their search results until Google took the listing down Thursday after a query from VICE News.

We all know that your average Republican is the furthest thing from a Nazi. Most Republicans are pro-Israel, love Jews and believe in the fairy tales of the six million. But at this point, the Jews and their leftist allies have used the term “Nazi” and “White supremacist” so much that these terms no longer have meaning. They are merely terms used to demonize any White person that doesn’t believe in full fledged Jewish Communist doctrines. Just take a look at how often Donald Trump was called a Nazi during the 2016 presidential campaign.

But this is definitely not an accident by Google. California is about to have state wide elections and they are trying to scare people into believing that Republicans are actual Nazis plotting to put millions of Jews into fake shower room gas chambers. This is not going to have the desired outcome. In fact, it will probably cause more people to go out and vote Republican. Especially considering how poorly the state has been mismanaged under 1960s LSD addict Jerry Brown.

And here’s the thing. The Republican party is slowly transforming itself into the party of the White man just based on how insane the Democrat party has become. So when the Republican party finally gets to the point where it is dominated by Jew-wise, anti-Israel nationalists and populists, their whining about “Nazis” is going to be laughed at.

The Jews have cried “Nazi” too many times and now nobody cares. But the Jews have brought this all on themselves.

Behold the future of the Republican party.


So both democrat and republican are now socialist. Socialism is bad no matter the left right spectrum. Never Democrat Never Republican.


I say we AIM for the Future



They always overplay their hand.


The Normalcy is-sooner or later-going to figure out that a bunch of zhids are never going to be appeased.

I just had a brainstorm. That image of Chamberlain waving that agreement with The Fuhrer that was supposed to mean “Peace in Our Time”-

If that’s still in current history classes,it might get some traction with the norms,IF we can hijack the image for some high grade memes.

It would be nice if someone smarter than me could help…


Your acronym, AIM, might be confused with the militant American Indian Movement. Remember the 1973 incident at Wounded Knee?



We are all Nazis. Sieg Heil!


If only this were true!


Democrats Outline Exact Plan to Gain Full Control of the Country Forever

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Tell me, what is not socialist about National Socialism?

We can’t afford healthcare for white American children because we need to be bombing someone else’s for the love of Jesus and Israel… Progressives, Libertardians, and Cuckservatives all want a theocracy with its own “epistemology,” from either London Jew Karl Marx or from Russian Jew Ayn Rand, both were progenitors of the godless open borders multiculturalism plaguing the West today… Capitalism is bullshit… Mammonism and Bolshevism are Jewish stepsisters.

There is no “free market,” there never has been… it is Jewish Mammonism… Every year the USA gives away an $8,000.00 health insurance deductible for every natural born U.S. man, woman, and child, just to Pakistan and Israel alone…

Lebensborn – “Fountain of Life”; an ϟϟ organization founded by Heinrich Himmler and intended to increase the birth rate of Aryans by providing unmarried mothers shelter in nursing homes so that they would not seek illegal abortions.

Jesus Needs More Babies For His War Machine… ???

Again, I ask you… to tell me, what is not socialist about National Socialism?

We can’t afford healthcare for white American children because we need to be bombing someone else’s for the love of Jesus and Israel… Progressives, Libertardians, and Cuckservatives all want a theocracy with its own “epistemology,” from either London Jew Karl Marx or from Russian Jew Ayn Rand, both were progenitors of the godless open borders multiculturalism plaguing the West today… Capitalism is bullshit… Mammonism and Bolshevism are Jewish stepsisters.

There is no “free market,” there never has been… it is Jewish Mammonism… Every year the USA gives away an $8,000.00 health insurance deductible for every natural born U.S. man, woman, and child, just to Pakistan and Israel alone…

Lebensborn – “Fountain of Life”; an ϟϟ organization founded by Heinrich Himmler and intended to increase the birth rate of Aryans by providing unmarried mothers shelter in nursing homes so that they would not seek illegal abortions.

You can run, but you cannot hide.

I cant stand repeating myself let alone someone repeating themselves. Grow you your very childish. Mommy doesnt know you have her phone. I would say your dad should have beat that repetitiveness out of you but your conduct suggests he wasn’t around to raise you right.

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This is why we need a vetting system in place.

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