America's Favorite Nigger Dad Bill Cosby Sentenced to Prison

Originally published at: America’s Favorite Nigger Dad Bill Cosby Sentenced to Prison |

Unlike the hoax allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, the allegations against America’s favorite nigger dad Bill Cosby were legitimate. There was real evidence that he drugged and raped all sorts of bitches. That’s why he was convicted for criminal activity in a court of law.

Even though he wasn’t held accountable for all of these alleged incidents, he was still sentenced to a minimum of three years in a state prison.

And many of us thought Cosby was one of the good blacks. That has turned out not to be the case at all.

This situation proves that if people are really against women being sexually assaulted and raped they would demand the removal of niggers and other third world savages. It’s just basic common sense.

The #MeToo movement should demand that we start sending blacks back to Africa.


YO,Cosby…meet bubba, your cellmate


Don’t you be wastin no soap pick it up BOY


A few years back I did a little digging into these Cosby sexual assault claims against him and why were there so many. I had a feeling something just wasn’t right with the high victim count and the women accusers not coming out about it till years later.

With NO physical or pharmaceutical testing (no rape kit was ever performed on any of the paid off “victims “) these bitches ruined his life with a conviction of rape and now he is facing the finality of his life in prison.

But why… I’ll tell you.
In the 1990s Cosby, with his financial wealth was contemplating and moving forward with a plan to buyout the NBC network. It’s like The Jefferson’s but in real life, he was movin on up.

One problem he didn’t consider, and a big one. He failed to understand (((who owns the media industry))). He was essentially one goyim against the media mafia den of vipers that sealed his fate for attempting to buy and completely control a major broadcasted network.
Oy vey, fake rape allegations work every time.

Now you know.


Yes- I’ve heard theories that the kikes had it in for Cosby because he promoted more of a white lifestyle for blacks- educated, traditional-family oriented- like The Cosby Show- which would, of course, make blacks more jew-wise and less easy for the jews to manipulate. Besides- there are a lot of shekels to be made in crap like rap and degenerate movies promoting stereotypes of blacks which they embrace because of their own ignorance. Supposedly his son was murdered as some kind of veiled threat, too.


One of the first black comedians to attack BC around that era was Eddie Murphy. The degenerate nog that loves to p/u trannies on sunset boulevard at 3am.


I saw an interview w/Dave Chapelle where he said Hollywood always has popular black actors dress like women in movies in order to emasculate them and that he refused to do it


I think Dave saw what Hollywood was and walked away after the threats on his life and his family. This is the episode that caused concern for them because he had free control of writing and content contractually from Comedy Central.


Bill’s going to be sucking on a lot of chocolate pudding pops in prison.


I wasn’t paying too much attention to this case, but in general I do not care about celebrities. I also have no clue as to whether the allegations are false or true, or concocted by Jews, but I do know one thing; If a guy such as myself was convicted of that many sex crimes, I would spend the remainder of my days staring out of prison bars.

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Likewise,but to the extent that I did manage to hear about it,I’ve always had one question-

Why in the hell would Bill Cosby have to rape anyone? The guy could afford the best rental snatch on the market,and the women renting it would have been lined up 3 deep for a chance at that kind of a client.

So I’m on the fence regarding this happening. Cosby might not be a bona-fide genius,but he didn’t get to his former position by being stupid. So I have to file this in the “I don’t know” drawer.


look, folks… Cosby (if i heard correctly) admitted to drugging some women with “his little friends” . That’s pretty damning… the judge merged three of the cases against Cosby into one so that’s why he only got 3 to 10 years… it’s not likely that Cosby only drugged and raped one woman… the fact that he could use his celebrity to get legal sex is moot. clearly that’s not what he wanted. he wanted to RAPE THEM.

—Prosecutors will continue to insist that Cosby gave Constand drugs – “three little friends to help her relax” – —

my friend told me long before this became public about Cosby drugging and raping women. i don’t know how he knew but then a few years later Cos is on trial. He lucked out because now he has a chance to get out of prison when he should have rotted there.


not ‘fake’ at all… if you are going to rock the boat, you had better have a squeaky-clean past. Clearly Cosby did NOT… this is how they keep the 9/11 false-flag covered-up. no one will come forward because The Swamp will attack.


I don’t put too much value in the word of these party-whores that hang around celebs- the vast majority of them are just looking for some dick.


This was Bill Cosby’s greatest comic moment - did you see him falter and almost trip?

Pure comedy gold.

He thought black privilege would exonerate him.

He thought wrong - and the American justice system worked exactly as it should have.


one of his many accusers was a white pro basketball player. cosby wanted some-a dat shit…

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I think you’re right. The type of girl that is sniffing around these powerful Hollywood (((types))) is either looking for an advantageous attachment, or hoping to advance her career via the casting couch. When these rewards are inevitably not coming, they concoct false narratives. Though Weinstein and company are filthy kikes or goyish traitors, it stretches credulity that young wannabe starlets are so naive that they have no idea what these lechers intend when she goes up to his penthouse.


The thing is Cosby admitted in the mid-2000s that he drugged women to have sex with them so I don’t buy into the conspiracy angle on this one.

But I also don’t believe all those women were being 100 percent honest. Many of them probably jumped on the bandwagon after the story broke thinking they could somehow benefit from being a Cosby rape victim.


Bill Cosby sexual assault cases - Wikipedia

After further research it does appear that Dr. Huxtable was a serial rapist. I’ll give you that. His first allegations of rape go back as far as 1965 and continued to occur after that and well into the 1990s. However how many of those thots are legitimately truthful? $$$

My modified “conspiracy angle” as I’m labeled is that Cosby became so much of a threat to the media establishment they had to reveal the vilest of accusations against him with some creative embellishments of course to destroy his career and the buyout of NBC.

He’s a sadistic rapist like all of the Hollywood upper echelon and he unknowingly crossed the line and is now paying the price.