Portland: Anti-Fascist Terrorists Attack "Law and Order" March

Originally published at: Portland: Anti-Fascist Terrorists Attack “Law and Order” March | Infostormer.com

Portland, Oregon is a lawless city. The city’s mayor has allowed mobs of anti-fascists to harass and terrorize random people for no reason.

Moderate right-wing groups who have held rallies and events in the city are routinely attacked by anti-fascists. Another one of these marches held yesterday dubbed the “Law and Order” march resulted in violent attacks from anti-fascists.

They’re even burning American flags in the street.

These anti-fascist groups are bankrolled by Jews with George Soros being the most prominent of them. They are domestic terrorist groups who hate America. The people associated with them should be rounded up and hauled away to FEMA camps.

Vote Republican across the board in the midterms to ensure that these groups get crazier and crazier. It will eventually get to the point where every normal person in the country will support a total crackdown on these groups.


ANTIFA cowards don’t pull this crap in The South or they get shot.


Antifa, despite its pretended antipathy for the government, appears to be a virtual branch of it. They do as they like with complete impunity, while “right wing demonstrators” are arrested on the flimsiest of excuses.


Antifa is such a weird concept. They are self professed communists who hate the constitution and everything that America stands for but they hide behind all of the protections of the constitution and the freedoms guaranteed thereby. My cognitive dissonance meter is off the scale. Is it because they are mostly children that haven’t had a chance to mature emotionally or intellectually because they are a generation that have been raised by the ‘electric jew’? It would be nice if these cowards had the courage of their convictions and didn’t hide behind those faggoty masks or the constitution that they hate so vehemently. Is this the end result of the Jewish attempt to create a self-hating european culture? I doubt these weekend warriors would be so brave if a few of them were doxed.

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I think some federal organizations are very sympathetic to Antifa. Possibly even the FBI.

How they haven’t been arrested and rounded up yet authorized rally-goers like RAM etc have been is a very worrying development.

Trump’s Administration should be investigating to the highest level wtf is going on.


Here’s the thing, nearly all of the street-level trash are just that.

Them being paid by Soros shell companies etc is only half the story.

They have no job but are on benefits or welfare. To my knowledge they can’t be stripped of benefits for being in a terrorist organization. This is why they literally have nothing to fear from the law as they don’t get real punishment by either the judicial system or the social-welfare system.

Until their behavior is regulated via the gibs flow being shut off there’s nothing to keep them from being lawless garbage.


ANTIFA violence will escalate until someone starts shooting THEN the asshole cops might do their jobs.

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why isn’t Trump sending some FED goons out there to restore order? when blacks protested in The South they had FEDERAL PROTECTION.

Little Rock’s Mayor, Wooden Mann, sent a telegram to President Eisenhower requesting troops. They were dispatched that day and the President also placed the entire Arkansas National Guard under federal jurisdiction.

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I miss the days when people were embarrassed to leech off their neighbors. You’re right, if they removed benefits from these parasites they might think about doing something productive. These scum sucking off the public tit while they protest the lowest unemployment figures in 49 years really pisses me off.