Obama Bashes Nationalism in Angry South Africa Speech

Originally published at: Obama Bashes Nationalism in Angry South Africa Speech | Infostormer.com

Barack Obama the worthless African piece of shit whose only skill is reading off of a teleprompter was in South Africa delivering his first high profile speech in recent memory. The basic gist of his speech was complaining about how democracy is under attack by a rising tide of nationalism.

He whined about strongman politics and how the press was being demonized while simultaneously claiming that people should be censored if they endorse conspiracy theories or promote racist views.

He was silent on the issue of White South African farmers having their land stolen by the South African government. He also had nothing to say about how violent niggers have been regularly attacking and killing many of them.

He delivered his speech at an event honoring the Communist nigger terrorist Nelson Mandela. Fitting since Obama is a Communist nigger terrorist himself.

He’s obviously very angry that Donald Trump has made his entire time in office irrelevant. I cannot articulate in words what a worthless nigger piece of shit this Kenyan ape is. For him to give a speech in a country like South Africa that is ruled by a genocidal terrorist government of African savages pretty much says it all.


Nikolai Lenin was more of an American than Bathhouse Barry is.



This brings back unpleasant memories of the eight years this creature was constantly on camera being lauded and praised for the most insignificant vapid comments.

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Presidents usually do the right thing and fade away after they leave office. Herbert Hoover didn’t, because he wanted to expose what a fraud FDR and his Jew Deal was. And Jimmy Carter has his Habitat for (sub) Humanity project, which I think is well-intentioned. But as far as Backdoor Barry and Crooked Cunt, along with her sleazy husband Bill the Rapist are concerned, they are greedy, shameless, self-promoting narcissists.