Russian Bitch Pours Bleach on "Manspreaders"

Originally published at: Russian Bitch Pours Bleach on “Manspreaders” |

Looks like the Jewish virus known as feminism has invaded Russia. Some stupid bitch was going around pouring bleach on the crotch of “manspreaders” and uploaded the video of her antics on JewTube.

This is just madness. How does a man spreading his legs apart warrant such an assault? This is so fucking insane it is impossible to comprehend.

Guess this bitch doesn’t get the fact that men and women are biologically different. If men squeeze their legs too close together they’ll crunch their balls which is not a comfortable feeling. It is not an act of gender aggression or whatever bullshit she’s claiming to justify these attacks.

The fact that we even have to spend time analyzing this stupidity is sick. This dumb Russian whore needs to be put away in a cage.

If there’s a silver lining to this it is the fact that feminism has gotten so out of control, it is actually backfiring on the women who engage in it. This video has around 2,600 likes compared to 56,000 dislikes right now. That’s some pretty good social shaming right there and that will help discourage other skanks from engaging in similar activities.


Notice she only pours it on white men. She knows if she tried it on a nigger, she would be beaten or killed. Equal rights mean equal beatings. Try that on me and she would be making an appointment with her dentist.


She is plainly an attention whore as well as a regular one.


Russia and Greece are the last Christian strongholds left in the world. North America has been conquered and completely subverted. They will not stop until they think they have destroyed everything that is still pure and beautiful.


I wonder if a lot of this is staged and there is only water in that bottle? If not, it’s only a matter of time until she gets the shit slapped out of her.


this video looks faked. pouring caustic liquid on people is a chemical attack. the guys don’t react as normal guys would. i’d have immediately knocked the bottle out of her hand, punched the whore and then poured the mix on her face.


YES, it’s faked. first of all if a hot woman is walking around the train, the guys aren’t going to be reading. secondly, their reaction looks fake. read my post above. oh, also: Putin would have none of it. if this were real he’d have PERSONALLY bitch-slapped them.


Anna Dovgalyuk is a Ukrainian name. Maybe she doesn’t like Russian guys?


If she poured bleach on me I’d knock all her teeth out and that would be the end of that.


The patronymic “a” is also missing after Anna’s surname. Maybe she didn’t like her father or in fact, really is a misanthropic feminiod.!
By the way, feminism is very rare among both Russian & Slavic women in general. Can’t blame 'em. After having to put up with all that (((Marxist))) equality bullshit for 3/4 of century, it’s good to see some women, well, wanting to be women.


You would know soon enough because bleech has a pretty distinct smell. Regardless even if it was water you don’t know that.

Clearly assault and worthy of having skull separated from jaw, especially in these times where acid and biological attacks are becoming more frequent on civilized subways and bus transportation.

Lesson to be learned here? Avoid public transportation in non White areas. If you have to prepare to defend your life.

If you suspect you are being sized up for confrontation strike first hard and fast with no mercy and go about your business.

Don’t act on emotion bros, think and strategize ahead it is something these people cannot do. For instance lure the person in to an area with a camera and make sure everyone knows who the aggressor is.

This will help if you end up killing the nigger and go to court, or give him brain damage and are accused of a hate crime.

I’m not saying walk on egg shells here but you have to use everything at your disposal to win.


well unfortunately you can’t unless you don’t mind going to prison.


As I described in making sure you are in front of a camera or credible witnesses.

Which doesn’t negate the fact that these untermensche don’t think. So it is kill or be killed and you get out of prison for defending yourself, alive.

You can indeed avoid prison for this, why are you so negative? Local police have enough to worry about than White people killing niggers to defend themselves. They have too much nigger killing nigger crime to worry about, by default, by law of averages it is just another dead nigger killed by a nigger.

Shit that was imported in to our country by design. No sane or rational person would approve of any of this.

Thus we are reduced to using tactics to save our lives. Simple as that, the world should be grateful we don’t rise up in arms. Which is probably what we are going to do :slight_smile:

Therefore, The Nigger by default is a Nigger.

Simple math.

